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We frequently receive questions from customers who have lost a crystal and want to know if there is a deeper meaning behind this occurrence. While sometimes a lost crystal is simply a lost crystal, there are other reasons that stones can go missing.

Some crystals carry a very high vibration that can be very powerful when worked with on a daily basis. Often, these are the crystals that you will notice are “misplaced” occasionally. It is thought that this happens to allow both you and the crystal to have a break for a little while. Days, weeks, or months later, it may reappear when its energy will again be beneficial for you.  It is also possible that some crystals feel the need to share themselves to a new owner who is in need of their energy. 

Some people believe that fairies, spirits, or other benevolent entities will remove crystals from their normal resting spots. While this is not malicious, it is sometimes mischievous! Other times it is thought that these beings are simply borrowing the crystal to give it some time off and they will return it when it is ready to be used again.

Another theory is that crystals have the ability, vibrationally, to move into another dimension when they need to take a break. Even when not actively being used for healing or other purposes, crystals passively absorb energy from the environment. Many times you will find that they simply seem to disappear and you will find them later in a place that you’ve checked multiple times.

Natural Chacopyrite

Even if you feel that you know why your crystal has disappeared, you’d still like for it to return! One option is to use the crystal Chalcopyrite to find your lost stones. Meditate while holding a piece of Chalcopyrite and ask for information about the location of the lost crystal. You might also write your question and place it under your pillow when you go to sleep, with the intention that the answer be provided to you in a dream. Keep a pen and paper next to the bed so that you can write down any hints you receive during the night. Many people call on Archangel Chamuel or St. Anthony to provide helpful information in this situation. You may find that you receive visions or other signs as to your missing crystal’s whereabouts through these methods.

It can be disappointing to lose a crystal, but just remember that it is taking much needed time to recuperate or it has found a new home where it is needed!


Article by Stephanie Tingle

Posted on March 16, 2014

  All my healing stones got tossed in dumpster by movers by mistake ????  (Submitted by: Ramona on April 16, 2023)
  I lost two of my crystals a very high quality Amethyst, had it on me every day for a year straight and it disappeared one day, I have a bad habit of misplacing things so I tore apart my house trying to find it but nope, gone. Hopefully it comes back soon because it’s been a few months and it would be great. I actually lost a red jasper 6 months ago after keeping with me for about a month, today I found it sitting on my nightstand… I know I didn’t just leave it there and no one put it there so that was a lovely surprise, manifesting my missing tigers eye mini sphere and amethyst come home soon.  (Submitted by: Finn on March 15, 2023)
  I was taking off my rings last night in bed and I remember being half awake. I went to slide the last one off my Hematite ring and when it came off it was as if it disappeared into thin air. Was no where in my bed or around me. When I awoke in the morning to look I was unable to find it anywhere, looked under my bed around the floor nearby, in my sheets & under the pillows. I hope it shows back up soon.  (Submitted by: Jay on December 13, 2022)
  I've lost my aquamarine ring about a week ago. I normally remove my ring before washing the dishes or washing my hands, but it seems it's been totally misplaced! I believe it is in my house but I'm hoping to have it appear quite soon. It was one of my favorite crystals!!  (Submitted by: Rain on August 29, 2022)
  Very helpful if I can just find my Chalcopyrite! lol!
I received a very sweet Orange Calcite heart as a Solstice gift yesterday and was really resonating with it and looking forward to working with it, but it disappeared in my house less in than 24 hours! I doubt it needed a break already....I hope it didn't get flushed down the toilet (I had it in my pants pocket)  (Submitted by: Beleszove on December 22, 2021)
  Today i was cleansing my crystals and i noticed that my aquamarine and carnelian was gone, i will find them very soon  (Submitted by: angispita on November 26, 2021)
  I lost my labradorite while on a date at a lake, one minute it was in my pocket the next it was gone. I just ordered another because I moved and odds are I will never find that same one again. Maybe someone else needed it more than I did.  (Submitted by: Kayla on May 30, 2021)
  My lapiz Lazuli disappeared this morning! I went outside and meditated came back in and noticed it was gone! An I was wearing my amethyst bracelet everyday, an it jumped off my wrist the other day after wearing it for a week and the crystals shattered on the floor! An my selenite bowl after recharging my amethyst point crystal, it’s very beautiful an polished nice! The selenite cracked as I picked it up! So I would say it’s important to recharge crystals and to jot over use them or they will crack and sometimes randomly disappear, I still have no idea where my lapiz went to! Crystals are magical and I can feel their energy and they call to me in the crystal shop as I’m an empath I feel their energy quite directly! All these crystals called to me, so funny that my lapiz would disappear! I wish it well to whoever it went to!  (Submitted by: D on May 13, 2021)
  I lost one of my chakra stones, lapis lazuli, which I carried with the other 6 stones on a daily basis. I was at a friend's house and realized I had lost it once I got home. This was about 3 months ago. Today I was cleaning the console in my truck and it was there. I have no clue how it got in there as I carried them in my pants pocket daily.  (Submitted by: Theresa on May 17, 2021)
  Yes on 2 separate occasions my large clear quartz crystals disappeared... this past time 2 of them were in a plastic bag by my bed... now nowhere to be found but they did heal me before they vanished...  (Submitted by: Liz on August 21, 2019)
  Yes- I have an altar with different deities and I'll LAY the crystal there and one of my main patrons, Sehkmet- two stones disappeared! My sugilite and lepidolite- all purple stones. I put them on her altar and they're both gone. I really don't mind because they were HER offerings but it is so interesting to see how real it all is, you know?  (Submitted by: Lea on June 27, 2019)
  I loved this article..I bought a Ruby Ring online..Ebay. It was the prettiest ring I have ever saw..And Ruby is my birthstone too so I was very excited. It came in about a week after I bought it. It finally came in and I was super excited to wear it. I wore it every day for 2 weeks. But every night I put my rings in my ring box It's just a jewelry box just when I sleep or take a shower. I had to learn the hard way with wearing my wedding band and engagement ring while showering I ended up ruining my set over from now on I take my jewelry off. We'll I woke up after about 3 weeks putting my rings and jewelry on..My Ruby Disappeared and now it's been months later still NO Ruby ring anywhere. My husband, children and I looked everywhere. they all said they didn't touch it..My kids are not little where they don't know better. My daughter is always good about asking to play with any of my jewlery,makeup even my crystals she always ask's me first. Then I have a son who is 12 I don't think he would of touched it. My pets wouldn't of been able to get into my box. If they did they would of knocked the whole thing over. What is weird, you mentioned spirits, angels, fairies etc. I have been learning all about my gifts as a Empath and I hear thoughts too when I mediate and concentrate ..So I think one of the spirits that visit came and took my ruby ring!!. :(. Thank you for this and I will defiantly try to see if they will give it back to me..Maybe, someday!!. :)  (Submitted by: Jennifer S on November 07, 2016)
  Did you find your ruby ring  (Submitted by: LADONNA FOWLER on July 23, 2020)
  I always lose any rose quart crystal I buy without fail, regardless of what form the crystal is in. I have had jackets stolen with a rose quartz in it, necklaces snapping, keyrings flying out of my hand 2 mins after buying and smashing in 2, and about 6 that have just vanished at home!  (Submitted by: Elsie on May 21, 2016)
  Timely answer. I have a pair of crystals that are shaped like the lungs and for the past month I have been sleeping with them for healing and this morning I found one of them was missing. I searched everywhere without any success. I finally consulted my pendulum and it seems one of the crystals had done its work and just left and I may never see it again. I am hoping that it will return. Thanks for the above information. Love and Light  (Submitted by: acellia on December 29, 2015)
  Love it  (Submitted by: Jamie on December 19, 2015)
  I have had that happen, where I have lost some crystals, some were eventually found, but there was one instance where I felt compelled to give my nephew a specific crystal, so I did. Hope he has put it to good use.
Thanks for the article.  (Submitted by: gatorgyrl on May 25, 2014)
    (Submitted by: rosemary on May 22, 2014)
  This article couldn't have come at a better time. I lost my rose quartz crystal yesterday and
I have been trying like crazy to find it!! Maybe Iam not supposed too!  (Submitted by: Seahorse731 on April 23, 2014)
  Thanks.  (Submitted by: Renée on April 23, 2014)
    (Submitted by: Twylight on April 23, 2014)

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