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SUNDAY 11/25/12


The quest for freedom and excitement could lead to questionable choices when it comes to personal interactions and finances. Venus and Uranus are leading you down a path that you may really enjoy for the moment but will ultimately lead to regret.  Fortunately Chiron joins Venus in a productive trine later in the day, giving us an excellent opportunity for healing. Where you once saw faults, you now see adorable quirks and traits both within yourself and others.  Those slices of individuality can now incite harmony rather than discord.  You may now find that what you sought earlier in the day was there all along.   Chalcedony enhances the harmonious vibe and Unakite offers insight and support.


Number of the day:  5


5 is going to invigorate that voice in your head that is already screaming to break free of something.  Just make sure it really is a something that is imprisoning you and not just the desire for escape from the humdrum that causes you to make a change.  Blue Aventurine will point you towards the truth.


MONDAY 11/26/12


Saturn is providing a very formal, stable energy to Venus that encourages us to accept more responsibility when it comes to love and finances.  Venus typically stirs up our emotional side but Saturn's influence will temper that with a useful, stoic attitude that will give new perspective to old situations.  Past issues may rear their head for acknowledgement, but that's ok, because you can use this influence to deal with it for once and for all.  While your emotions may not be voiced, you will make excellent choices, so don't be afraid to make a move.  Garnet helps you to deal with any issues that pop up and Tiger Eye lets you move ahead towards abundance.


Note:  Mercury goes direct today in Scorpio...continue to use caution in your communications until it gets up to speed!


Number of the day:  6


6 offers a desire for contentment that can be a real asset right now.  Coupled with the energy already present, it can help you to find peace and harmony in many areas of your life.  Pietersite encourages comfortable growth.


TUESDAY 11/27/12


Mars conjunct Pluto will produce amazing energy to take charge and go after what we want.  You are highly motivated, and it is a good time to uncover hidden skills that will allow you to take positive actions.  This transit may be almost too forceful so use some caution.  Think twice before you let something go or move on to what may look like greener pastures.  Movement is part of life but you don't want to burn any bridges along the way.  Instead, use this energy to negotiate situations that will get you what you want while leaving everyone satisfied in the process.  Green Tourmaline enforces your "can-do" attitude and Rose Quartz lets you proceed gently.


Number of the day:  7


Roll the dice and see where you land.  7 encourages you to go after what you want and reminds you that risk may be necessary, but it doesn't have to cost you anything that you aren't ready to let go of.  This attitude will give you the winner’s edge.  Moldavite puts you in line with all of the abundance that surrounds you.


WEDNESDAY 11/28/12


What began on 11/12 with a Solar Eclipse comes full circle to today's Lunar Eclipse.  Remember how the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio showed you what isn't working and needs to change?  Well now you get the shove you need to get out of that old, useless (and possibly harmful) stuff and into something new.  That's what a Lunar Eclipse is meant to do - shift your world until you find yourself in a better place.   It is truly a moment of dark that ushers in the light.  It can be chaotic and challenging, and very stressful.  You will need to make choices that will change everything.  Be courageous and let the alignment of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon lead you towards finding your perfect balance.  It may take a little while (usually about 6 months) but whatever happens now will result in an incredible new you!  The Full Moon is in Gemini so you may find relationships at the center of the storm.  Use Carnelian for courage and Hematite to strengthen your resolve and relieve any stress.


Number of the day:  8


Put in the time, perform each task and do what you must to get to where you want to be.  8 provides awesome support to those who are willing to work for it.  Pyrite amplifies your success.


THURSDAY 11/29/12


You want to take advantage of the passionate energy available courtesy of Venus, Pluto and Mars.  Often when Mars and Pluto are involved your passions can become all consuming and your actions tend to be counterproductive.  Venus tones down those harsher aspects leaving us with initiative and drive that make it easy and fun to go after what we want.   Best of all, your friends and loved ones support your efforts, making your progress even more fruitful.  Rhodochrosite encourages you to find productive outlets for your passion.  Wear Lapis Lazuli to boost positive communications.


Number of the day:  9


9 wants you to be expressive and magnanimous with your time and energies.  Give yourself permission to share who you are and what you can offer with others and see how rewarding it will feel.  Bastnaesite connects you with this amazing energy.


FRIDAY 11/30/12


You are craving the unexpected and the unpredictable as Venus and Uranus join in a biquintile.  Yes, you can manage your normal routine, but inside you are riding roller coasters and eating cotton candy.  Why not indulge your inner child and do something unexpected? Even the smallest of gestures will bring you much happiness, and don't you deserve it?  Orange Calcite lets you tap into your inner child so you can go have some fun.  Labradorite shows the joy in everything.


Number of the day:  1


Place the spotlight right where it belongs....on you!  1 can help you to eliminate any self-deprecating thoughts. This will help you to appreciate who you are and how much you do.  If that feels too difficult, let an Amazonite show you how.


SATURDAY 12/01/12


You know that when Jupiter is involved the stage is going to be way too small for the production.  You want the want it all...and you want it now! The influence of Venus and Jupiter may be causing you to want a little too much - more than you really need - so the atmosphere can turn quickly to regret.  Mars steps in with its take charge attitude and encourages you to take on too much and go just a little further than may be advisable.  It is way too easy to overestimate your abilities and your resources.  If you're stuck and need a hard push to move forward then this may be perfect energy for you.  Use your common sense and think before you act.  Tanzanite lets you channel the energy for your higher good. White Agate calms the hectic atmosphere and lets you intuitively choose the best path of progress.   


Number of the day:  9


Now is the time to put an end to any madness in your life.  If it seem like it is costing you too much, then it is time to let it go.  Don't be afraid that any release will result in a void.  Instead you will find something more worthy of your energy.  Red Jasper supports your actions.


SUNDAY 12/02/12


There is strong encouragement towards expansion but too much conflict between what you want to do and what you should do.  This conflict is coming from the Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini.  These are two forces that won't agree and won't let you be either!  It is too easy to go off the boards with either overindulging or becoming lethargic from frustration, causing you to feel overwhelmed.  While you don't want to take any actions, you do want to pay attention to your thoughts and what is occurring around you.  You may find ideas and/or opportunities that will be very beneficial at another time.  Just because the energy is wild that doesn't mean that you can't tame it and make it work for you!  Star Sapphire will the neutralize chaos and let you make it useful. Chrysoprase can be your calm sea in the midst of the fiery storm.


Number of the day:  1


It is vital to take action but remember that timing is everything.  1 is all about focus and scattered energies will make your efforts less productive.  Take your time and gather your resources.  The time to strike will arrive before you know it.  Moss Agate will stabilize and direct your efforts.

Posted on November 24, 2012
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