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WEEK OF 09/25/13 - 10/01/13 

WEDNESDAY 09/25/13

Focus and concentration do not come easily when the Sun and Neptune are in a quincunx transit.  You could be crippled by fears of making the wrong decision and so actions are also a challenge.  Actually, your fears have more to do with having zero impact rather than having a negative one.  It is always difficult to do anything when you think it really won’t matter, so give yourself time and do not rush anything right now.  Timing can be crucial so wait until your confidence is stronger and that may be when you should go for it.  Use Amazonite to help you take care of any business that simply cannot wait.  Tiger's Eye will encourage patience…your moment will come before you know it!

                                                                                                                                                Number of the day: 4

When you are feeling stuck, the energy of 4 can propel you forward.  It will help you get down to business and deal with those boring but necessary tasks.  Use Optical Calcite for motivation. 

THURSDAY 09/26/13

A Sun/Mars semi-square and your present environment could be forcing you into action whether you are prepared or not.  This loss of control could result in argumentative and aggressive outbursts that will only make things worse.  You are going to need to find an outlet for all of that energy and drive, so use it towards something positive – maybe to banish some of those self- defeating thoughts from yesterday!  You are never out of control unless you give it up, so find your personal power and let it be what rules you.   A Venus/Jupiter Trine will help you to be an influential force as long as you are coming from someplace genuine.   Sodalite will offer calm and reason while Yellow Jasper lets you retain control.

Number of the day: 5

If your first instinct is to say “No” then 5 can help you to reconsider.  Often we dismiss opportunities without exploring their true value.  The energy of 5 and Blue Aventurine will encourage you to give everything a chance.

FRIDAY 09/27/13

This is a lovely day to develop your personal talents….whatever they may be.  Mercury, the planet of expression, is meeting up with Pluto, the planet of creation and we have a wonderful opportunity to expand our skills and interests.  This energy could be the catalyst that you need if you have been uninspired and not interested in moving beyond your comfort zone.  You will be able to appreciate the expertise of others and let them inspire you to make your own special mark.  Let your imagination and creativity take you to new places where there are no boundaries.  Mookaite Jasper encourages experimentation and Lapis Lazuli lets you stand up and out from the mainstream. 

Number of the day: 6

Do you feel as if you are out there on your own?  Let the energy of 6 help you find those others who will "get you".  They are out there and Chalcopyrite can point you in the right direction. 

SATURDAY 09/28/13

Venus and Mars are in a battle to win at all costs and they are taking us along for the ride.  Expect very stimulating energy that will bring out a warrior-like passion within each of us.  If you have been looking for an opportunity to invigorate your will, creativity and drive … well here it is!  You can accomplish almost anything during this transit as long as you are willing to put in the effort.  Pink Aventurine helps you find outer influences that will push you forward.  Star Sapphire enhances your inner drive. 

Number of the day: 7

A peaceful mind will drive your physical actions in a direct and productive manner.  Let the spiritual energy of 7 and Lithium Quartz help you to mentally relax and uncover new inspirations. 

SUNDAY 09/29/13

A Jupiter/Neptune transit that occurred late yesterday could bring about a period of disillusionment and doubt.  You could be easily influenced by judgment from others and your own inner fears.  Don’t let this energy move you from your chosen path!  Instead let it open you to all of the influences – earthy and spiritual, good and bad – and learn how to integrate them into your master plan.  This could be a very inspirational time that will really benefit you and how you approach your goals.  Use Celestite to open the lines of communication and Petrified Wood to use what you learn for your highest good.  

Number of the day: 8

8 is the alchemist of Numerology.  It will help you take everything you’ve got and turn them into tools for your success.  Jet offers support and positive affirmations. 

MONDAY 09/30/13

The True or North Node of the Moon helps us to find our best direction as we navigate through life.  Today the True Node is in a lovely transit with the Sun that gives us a feeling of inner peace and harmony to end the month.  The Moon rules our emotions and inner world, while the Sun guides our actions and outer expression.  Working together they will bring us balance as our needs and wants are the same.  This can be a rare occurrence for many of us, so be sure to use this energy to your best advantage and go after what you want.  There is a generally supportive and cooperative influence, so you are sure to have all of the resources that you need at your disposal.  It is up to you to recognize and use them!   Hold a Sunstone in one hand and a Moonstone in your other and envision achieving your most important goal.  Now put them in your pocket and get to work!

                                                                                                                                                  Number of the day: 9

The energy of 9 can put you in alignment with the Universe and strengthen your resolve and resources in order to achieve your goals.  Botswana Agate will help you put it all together for a balanced and stable approach to any situation. 

TUESDAY 10/01/13

You have had enough of whatever is holding you back and keeping you down and you simply are not going to take it anymore.  That is the Sun and Pluto begging you to eliminate whatever has a negative hold on you.  Whether it be mental of physica,l it is time to exert your power and end it.  A Mercury/Neptune trine will support you by igniting your imagination and sharpening your intuition.  You will know how and when to act and be able to do it with artistic flair and creativity that is uniquely You!  It is a new month and it is time for you to draw on - and even exceed -  your own personal power to make things happen.  You can do it and Tanzanite can help you to figure out how.  Malachite makes you an undefeatable force.

                                                                                                                                                   Number of the day: 8

There is work ahead but your success is imminent as long as you continue to strive for what you want.  8 and Fire Agate will give you and your ambitions the momentum to keep moving forward for as long as it takes. 


Posted on September 25, 2013
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