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Here's an interesting crystal question that's been on my mind lately, and I don't think it's ever been asked here. Some people say they can hear or feel crystal vibrations and energy. Are they feeling with the physical hands and hearing with the physical ears, or do you think this is an entirely different sense altogether?




Hi S:

Thanks so much for your question about crystals and feeling and hearing their vibrations.  The only way that I can answer is by offering some of my own experiences and those of friends.

I have physically felt the vibrations of crystals - it feels as if it is shaking or vibrating in my hand.  Then there are crystals where I feel a physical difference but it is more sensory.  It is difficult it explain but it is similar to chills or if you have ever felt energy running through you - I also feel it in my spine.  It is not a specific physical difference but you can sense that something is happening.  This has happened to many people that I know who work with crystals.

I have never actually heard a crystal physically speak to me but I have heard a high pitch or a ringing in my ears.  That is usually more sensory where I get impressions or a thought pops into my head that seems different.  If you ever meditate it is similar to that experience where you have ideas that seem different that your typical ones.  Or you suddenly realize the answer to a question that you have had for a while.  I have not had anyone mention to me that they physically hear something when they work with crystals but I will ask around and if anyone has an unusual experience I will be sure to share.

Thank you again for your question and for your support of Healing  I hope that I was able to help and I will look forward to hearing from you again.

Wishing you lots of Love and Light!

Crystal Blessings!


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Please Note: Crystals are for healing and should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. Crystals are not a medical treatment and should not be used as a replacement for medical care. Please consult your healthcare specialist for your particular needs.

Posted on November 13, 2014

  I recently got a rose quartz crystal and I had charged it for the first time. Prior to grabbing my charged rose quartz I had intense anxiety. I was laying down and was holding onto it in my hand warmly and I automatically felt a vibration going through my arms up to my head. I am still at a state or confusion since this happened to me right now, but it was a unbelievable feeling I've never thought was possible  (Submitted by: Diana on January 23, 2021)
  I wear a clean quartz crystal on a gold chain. Every 6 months or so i feel it vibrate intermittently. It dangles about boob height . Thought i was going silly till i realised what it was ... lol  (Submitted by: trisha on February 04, 2021)
  I polish beach stones for fun, and have been doing this since I was young. The most unusual thing happened to me several years ago. I heard a distinct, repeated giggle while I was tumbling some beach stones, so I stopped the tumbler. When I opened the barrel, I immediately found that an ordinary looking acorn-size piece of agate had just split open, revealing a beautiful surprise -- an air pocket covered in tiny clear quartz crystal druzy -- its edges with miniature lace agate features... was it the air escaping? Whatever... it sounded like giggling... Had I not stopped the tumbler, the delicate crystalline structures would have been ground away!  (Submitted by: Linda Vaitkus on November 10, 2020)
  My son used to be very much into crystals and one time he was showing me a particular raw white crystal that I believe is quartz and he was like here hold it and put it in my hands. The second this happened I was in what I believe a higher dimension. I was still in the room with my son and he was in this dimension as well and one of us wa saying it was ok. It felt really really good there and right to be there. This only lasted a few seconds and I was back, even though I never physically left. My son was still there with me but he did not "go" with me and yet there was a version of him, as well as myself in both places. He said that I was holding the crystal saying it's ok. When i handed it back to him he said that it was pulsing.

After the incident I slept for a long time and I told a friend of mine who is intuitive and she said, "oh the crystal vibrated" like it was a normal everyday occurence and who knows maybe to her it was but for me it has never happened again and believe me I've tried to make it happen with that same crystal many times.

I dont know why it happened but for whatever reason I believe that crystal wanted to show me another dimension and I will always be grateful for glimpse I had.  (Submitted by: kimberZ on August 27, 2020)
  I had a reiki session and was holding the selenite crystal and I could feel a pulse in the left side of my head and my neck. That was the side I was holding the crystal. I felt it was unbalance because I couldn't release emotions or released during reiki. I then put it in the other hand on the right side and within a minute or so I started feeling the Pulsation on the head and neck area so there was definitely energy flowing. Then the crystal was placed on my chest and I felt balanced the pulsation on either side of my neck and head was gone and I felt more balanced.  (Submitted by: Dena on March 24, 2019)
  I must be the odd one out, as I literally hear some crystals? I noticed when I was quite young that crystals vibrated in my hands, but also that some crystals emitted a low hum, at first I believed it was the vibration in my hands that was causing the the noise I could hear, but as I've gotten older I believe now that crystals do emit a sound, maybe caused through the vibration, maybe not, I honestly don't know, what I do know is that I can only hear the ones that vibrate and they all emit a different note, I have a crystal mobile hung in my bedroom that sends me to sleep listening to them all humming at me... odd, maybe, but maybe it's everyone else that's odd because they can't hear them??
Brightest Blessings,
Angie  (Submitted by: Pendragon on February 28, 2019)
  If you can't sense your crystals then try holding a whole, unopened geode for a while (I don't know if a tiny one will work but a 5-pounder or so should be fine). Also angel aura crystals are quite strong even to newbies, and herkimer diamonds (although in my view these latter vibrate quite differently).  (Submitted by: Dusty on May 16, 2016)
  Crystals definitely "speak" to me but more in feelings and pictures in my head. Whenever I work with them I sit quietly and Listen...
When I am looking for a new rock/crystal I generally hold it and then put it to my third eye and see what they "show" me.
Brightest Blessings!
GreyHawk  (Submitted by: GreyHawk on November 13, 2014)

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