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What began as a day of recognition for our planet and its environmental state has evolved into a world wide effort to raise the consciousness of the people around our planet.

Founded in April 22, 1970 by Senator Gaylord Nelson, the first Earth Day was less than notable. It was limited to the United States and was presented as a teaching aid on environmental awareness. Forty years later and Earth Day is now a planetary wide, week-long event, focused on worldwide initiatives covering every aspect of the planet, not just the environment but also the needs of her people!

The original premise of Earth Day was to bring attention to what we humans have done to damage our planet and the environment, and what each of us can do in small ways, to make improvements that will last for our life time and beyond. Each tree or seed planted, each item recycled is a reminder that we are stewards, rather than owners of this planet, and are responsible for the damage we create. “We cannot have peace until we have taken action that reflects our compassion, and our willingness to take responsibility" say HH Dali Lama.

Some of the simple things we can do are to recycle everything we can. Shopping locally for locally grown produce and other items requires travel of less than 100 miles instead of several thousands of miles. Walk or ride a bike. Use alternative sources of transportation, car pool or use public transit. Only drive when necessary and combine errands. Take turns driving a weekly carpool for friends and the elderly in your neighborhood. Use less pre-packaged food stuffs, in favor of making foods from scratch. It’s healthier, and less packaging material ends up in the trash. Start composting leftover food stuff for the garden. Compost yard waste instead of bagging and shipping to garbage dumps. Paper is recyclable, shredded paper composts very quickly with yard waste.

Start a home farm. Similar to the victory gardens of WWI and WWII, the idea is to replace some of your flower garden and grassy areas with vegetable beds. Small easy to grow vegetables can be grown organically, a healthier version of produce, that is cheaper and more earth friendly. A row of strawberries mixed with the lettuce, carrots, beets, radishes, peas and green beans are all vegetables that take very little room, can be picked throughout the growing season. These home grown fruits and vegetables are much healthier; these foods will typically lose 75% of their nutritional value by the time they have reached the grocery store.

As healers we can assist the Earth in her healing by setting up grids of any size to help clear and rejuvenate the Earth. If we all do this one thing, on the same day, we could accomplish a lot of healing worldwide. Healing girds connected in this way will clear emotional and environmental pollution we have left behind us in our everyday lives.

Here is a list of crystals that we can use for these healing grids:

  • Picture Jasper is the voice of Mother Earth. It brings to the surface all the negative emotion that man can experience. Thoughts such as guilt, envy, hatred, thoughts of lacking in our lives and our past, are there to read in this stone, where we can acknowledge them and release them as lessons learned, to be replaced with the Mother’s love of her children.
  • Aragonite is normally found in color ranges of white, yellow, gold, greens and blues, this chalky-fibrous looking crystal has little satellite crystals protruding off the side.  Aragonite is an Earth healer and is attuned to the Earth Goddess.  It encourages conservation in all forms and recycling.   It removes blocks from ley lines and Earth chakras.  This stone teaches patience, the patience of the wind and the rain that can bring down a mountain top with time. 
  • Larimar are small translucent stones can be found in blue, the blue-green of the sea or red with whorls of white shown through. Also known as Dolphin Stones, these ethereal stones are believed to be from the lost Islands of Lemuria or Atlantis. They have a high angelic vibration and are said to open portals to the angelic realms. As an Earth healing stone Larimar connects our energy to the Earth Goddess. It has a feminine energy and can help women experience their true innate femininity and restores their connection to the goddess and to nature 
  • Moldavite is a dark green Tektite, this rare stone is said to be extraterrestrial in nature. Believed to have been sent to Earth to assist in the Earth’s clearing, healing and transition to the higher vibrations, this glassy stone has the effect of raising other stones to a higher vibration. Moldavite assists us in connecting to our cosmic soul and integrating our original blueprint, accelerating our spiritual growth.
  •  Blue Sapphire, a symbol of love and purity, is extremely effective in Earth healing. This stone is often used in Shamanic ceremonies  to transmute negative energy and assist you in speaking your truth. This stone is a must for those who seek to accomplish their Vision Quest.
  • Hawk’s Eye, a banded Tiger Eye often found in deep blue, has an eye like formation, this stone aids in visions and psychic abilities and is an excellent earth healing stone.

We are healers of body and spirit and our Mother Earth requires that we turn our attention to assist her in her time of need. Together, as a growing community of like-minded individuals, we can help the Earth repair the damage that we in our ignorance have caused. Time is of the essence and action is required on our part. Will you act or sit on the side lines?

Roslyn Bohanan
Master Crystal Healer




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Posted on April 15, 2011
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