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From: Sonia
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 7:39 PM
Subject: Comment from - Discount Prices on Healing Crystals, Minerals & Tumbled Stones

Dear Healing Crystals,

I have my sister of 53 years been diagnosed with left lung tumor, I believe. She is not keen to talk about it, addressing it as linfonodes.... spreading little in liver and left scapula and hand.
Has had chemo and radio, reiki and EFT.
The pain did subside but now is back again.
What crystal will minimize her pain?
Shrink the tumor?
Recover her health, and her willingness to live?
And my father of 82 with a broken vertebrae on the right side, what will help?

Thank you



Greetings Sonia,

Thank you so much for your inquiry! Let's take this one issue at a time beginning with the pain your sister is currently facing. There are a few crystals that I would like to recommend that can assist in minimizing pain or specific areas of pain.

Lapis Lazuli is very beneficial is relieving/minimizing physical pain.

Amber is another piece that works wonderful well when removing or relieving general pains of the body.

Turquoise will also assist with minimizing pain. as well as being an amazing general healing type of  stone.
Next, let's move on to the issue of the tumors themselves. To assist in the treatment and/or shrinking of tumors, here are some suggestions.

Bloodstone is a wonderful stone to use in removing toxins and has been used to shrink tumors.
Malachite can used to treat tumors alone or in combination with Rose Quartz can help to relieve pain caused by the tumor.

Danburite can also assist in the treatment of tumors and detoxify the body. Danburite is a total body healer crystal and would work well to help heal on all levels.

To fill your sister with loving, healing energies for both body and soul--to infuse her with the energy of health, wellbeing and joy of life, I would suggest one or more of the following crystals:  Apophyllite, Selenite, Larimar, and/or Fluorite.

Apophyllite can increase optimism and joy of life, no matter what the circumstances. It relieves stress, anxiety, fears and worry. Apophyllite will help to release suppressed emotions, calming any apprehensions and uncertainty.

Selenite works much in the same way. It moves anxiety and fear out of the body, replacing it with the highest vibration of love and joy.

Larimar helps to lighten the feelings of depression and anxiety. Its energy fills the holder with calm and serenity.

Fluorite is a little dynamo and will work on many levels all at once. Fluorite can decrease/minimize pain, cleanse, calm and soothe, and provide emotional well being.

These stones would work very well while your sister is in a Reiki session too. The Reiki practitioner may want to lay some of the stones on your sisters body while doing the energy work, or your sister may choose to simply hold a stone in each hand while the work is being done. Talk with your Reiki practitioner to see if this is something they would be open to trying.

Let's move on to your daddy now. Consider some crystals that can work with the healing process of the bones as well as pain issues that may be present due to the breakage.

Calcite is an excellent companion to use for the healing of bones and breakages. Green Calcite in general helps to ease bone discomfort and encourages strong bone health. Blue Calcite promotes a speedy recovery/healing.  Yellow Calcite can also assist in the healing process, especially with bone and spine issues.

Other stones that may assist in this area would include: Howlite, Blue Apatite, Fluorite, Selenite and Malachite.

I certainly hope the information shared here is helpful to you and your family. My suggestion is to take a look at the links and the pictures provided with each (involve your sister and dad if they are so inclined) and see what you (or they) are drawn to. That is the best of starting places. Feel free to come back for more information at any time.

I must share with you the disclaimer that the information shared here is not to be taken as medical advice. It is offered for informational purposes only - we do not promise any results.

Love and Harmony,


Posted on

  Thanks that is excellent thanks Kristi

Gems In The Country  (Submitted by: GemsInTheCountry on August 14, 2014)
  Thank you for this information. My husband was recently diagnosed with lung cancer in both lungs and I am hoping these will help with some relief.  (Submitted by: Kelly on May 08, 2012)

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