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“Methods for Clearing your Crystals”

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Dear Healing Crystal Enthusiast:

Clearing Your Crystals, by Crystal CAT

If you’re new to the whole crystal scene, you might be wondering why you should cleanse your stones.   You might be thinking, “What do I need to do that for.  They don’t get dirty!”  If this description fits you, read on for an education in the hows and whys of cleansing your stones.   If you’re familiar with clearing crystals, skip down to where the various methods are listed for a refresher course.

Why cleanse your crystals.  Whether you use your stones for programming, or you just like to wear them, it is important to keep them cleared on a regular basis.   Let’s say you don’t actively “work” with your stones, but you like to wear them, either for protection against negative energies or perhaps you just like the way your crystal pendant looks on that chain around your neck.   Either way, after wearing a Clear Quartz Crystal for a day (or holding one in your pocket), you’ll probably come into contact with some negative energies, especially if you wear it at work.   Not only that, but you might also be feeling some negative emotions yourself at some point during the day.  

Crystals have a tendency to absorb the energies around them.   This is especially true for Quartz Crystal, which is the most popular stone among crystal lovers.   In fact, that’s why Quartz is so great to work with.   It has the wonderful property of focusing and amplifying energies that are sent to it.  

There are only a few stones that do not absorb negative energy and don’t need to be cleansed regularly.   These include, but are not limited to Citrine, Carnelian, and Kyanite.

There is a multitude of ways in which people cleanse their crystals.   Just take a look online and you will see that it can be quite confusing to try to figure out the best way to cleanse a particular stone.   In this article, I will list the various ways for cleansing crystals, followed by a brief description.   At the end, I will show you which ways I prefer and why I use them instead of the others.   With each method, visualization can help in the cleansing process.  Carnelian is said to be able to cleanse negativity from other stones by keeping it in a bag or box with the stone you want to cleanse.

UPDATE (07-06-07): See our new Video on how you can Clear your Crystals right now using the sound on our Video!

Running Water:
You can hold your stones under running water to remove negative energies.   Using visualization can help this process or any other cleansing method, for that matter.   To do this, simply hold your stone under a running faucet, or in a stream, and imagine the moving water washing your crystal clean of all negative energies.   You cannot use this method for friable stones such as Azurite, Sulfur, Kyanite, Zeolite, among others, or for some jointed crystals like clusters or twins, as the water may break apart your stone.

Salt Water:
Many people like to use salt water, as salt is a very cleansing mineral.   You can fill a bowl of water, add salt, and then place your crystal in it.   Some people visualize the crystal releasing old energies out into the salt water.   Again, you don’t want to use this method with delicate stones.   Both salt and water can damage your crystals if left on them for too long, so if you use this method, make it short and sweet.

To avoid the degrading nature of water to their stones, some crystal lovers choose a method of clearing where the stone is placed in a bowl of dry salt.   This is a good method for most stones.   The only thing to watch out for is that there is no salt left on the stone when you’re finished cleansing it.  Salt will degrade your stone if it gets into small crevices, especially in a moist environment.  Using a makeup brush, you can get into those crevices to make sure there is no salt lingering there.

This method considers the source of our beautiful crystals as Mother Earth.  What better way to clear away negativity than by placing your stone back into it’s original cradle.  For this method, you can either bury your stone in your backyard (use a marker , or you can simply gather some soil in a container, and place your stone within it.  A possible drawback of this method is if wind or an animal pulls up your marker, leaving you unable to locate your buried crystal.  If you feel comfortable with this method, just use a makeup brush to remove excess dirt.  Blowing on it afterwards can not only help remove small bits of dirt, but you can also visualize yourself blowing away any extra stagnant energies.

You can cleanse your stones energetically simply by using your breath.   Simply visualize yourself blowing clear, white light into each stone and use as many breaths as it takes until you feel that the stone is “shining” and clear again. 

Trial by fire.  Well, believe it or not, this is a preferred method of cleansing for some crystal lovers.  They feel it is the most purifying of all the cleansing methods.  For this method, simply light a candle and pass your crystal quickly through the flame so you don’t leave black soot on your crystal from the flame.  Be careful not to burn yourself!  Some people don’t actually pass the stone through the flame, but over it instead.

Using the Sun to clear negative energies from your crystals sounds logical.  For many stones, the Sun acts as a wonderful purifier.  The method commonly used here is placing your stones outside for a specified period of time.  Some say it’s a day, while others prefer leaving their stones out for a week.  Even others do it for 72 hours.  Obviously, there’s no consistent time period for doing this, so follow your intuition for what is right for your stones.  Be aware of a drawback to this method: Some crystals will fade in the Sun.  Crystals not to be left in the Sun for any period of time often have deep color to them and are partially translucent such as Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Rose Quartz, Celestite, Citrine, Flourite and others.  So, please BE CAREFUL when setting your crystals in the Sun so that you don’t damage the color. 

This method is pretty safe, using the same method as above, except with the Moon instead of the Sun as the clearing agent.  Of course, using the Moon, one need not worry about fading.  The only drawback is that you must be sure your stones are safe in their places.  Some animals like certain stones.  I have lost a number of Flourites when I gridded the outside of my home once.  Just be sure that nothing can get to them.  Time is about the same as with the Sun method- there isn’t a general consensus, so use your best judgment.

Coming from Native American tradition, this is a simple method of clearing your crystals, wherein you light some incense or herbs, and pass your stone through the smoke.  This method is pretty safe, with no fading possible and nothing to harm the stone.  Always do smudging in a ventilated area, and keep a window open to allow the negative energies to flow out of your space.  Use sage to clear away negative energies, and cedarwood to bring in positive energies.

Reiki or other Hands on Healing Energies:
I usually hold my hands in the air around the stone or even place the stone in my hand.  While doing this, visualize the stone as a beautiful sphere of white light.   As you imagine the stone as a white sphere, notice any “blemishes” or portions of the sphere that do not easily appear as being white to you.   Send energy into the stone for anywhere from 10 seconds to several minutes depending on the amount of energy that needs to be cleared.  You can also use other crystals to help clear other stones such as Amber to help transmute the energies or Clear Quartz to amplify your intent or Carnelian.   When I can easily imagine the stone that I am clearing as a perfect sphere of white light, then I feel that I am complete.

If you pay an instrument, you can play your instrument and direct the sound towards the crystal and they will naturally clear as a result of being exposed to the pure vibrations of playing your instrument.  I have a friend who sets his stones inside of his piano and intends to clear them while he plays.  I do not play an instrument, so I use tuning forks to create a pure vibration that resonates throughout the crystal and “shakes loose” all vibrations that have been stored in the crystal and “resets” the crystal to a natural and clear state.  When the crystal “feels good” again and it appears bright energetically, then I feel that I am complete.

These are the most common methods of clearing crystals.   With each method, it is advised that you visualize the negative energies leaving your stone to be transmuted by the Earth or the Sun.  I have a preferred method of smudging, because it is safest for the stone, there is no guesswork involved, and I don’t have to worry that my crystal might disappear when I come to get it.   I always open a window, state my intention, and as I pass my crystal through the smoke, I imagine the negative energies lifting up with the smoke, away from my stone.

With any crystal work, always remember that your intention holds the key to what you can do with your stones.  Thanks for reading our monthly newsletter and feel free to forward this article to your friends.  

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The suggested uses and metaphysical descriptions of the inventory items are our personal opinions and should be used at your discretion.   These suggestions are not intended to be used as medical advice.  If you resonate and like our suggestions and descriptions, please use them freely.  However, if you don’t resonate or agree with any of them, please consider them for entertainment purposes only.  We have done our best to represent the crystals and minerals accurately and chosen only high quality items that we would use ourselves.   Please use your own intuition about what “feels” right for you.

Posted on January 15, 2007

  Thanks for sharing this information very helpful..
"Have a Crystal Day"  (Submitted by: Sharon on February 20, 2020)
  Very helpful on ways to cleanse stones.  (Submitted by: Tammy on January 03, 2019)
  Thank you for your guidance and wisdom. Blessings!  (Submitted by: See Cee on June 05, 2018)
    (Submitted by: Brendell on March 26, 2018)
  I knew most of these methods of clearing my crystals. It is nice to learn a couple of more and to have them in print. Thank you very much.  (Submitted by: Sandi on April 22, 2017)
  As I continue to learn, I feel very blessed to fin d such a Wonderful resource as this one. Thank you.  (Submitted by: Jerra on January 21, 2017)
  In the past, I have used breath, moonlight, and smudging; but felt fortunate to have your video immediately available and thought it was wonderful. You are definitely my reference for friends and sisters. Thank you and blessed be.  (Submitted by: Selene du Ciel on July 23, 2016)
  This article was really helpful. I have a crystal that is meant to clear out negative energies and used to help group my spirit, but I had a horrible, HORRIBLE nightmare just last night; and think I either need to not wear it at night or cleanse it more. I will try both. Thank you so much.  (Submitted by: Shelby on February 23, 2016)
    (Submitted by: Daniel on January 16, 2016)
  Thank you, this is new to me, I understand the flow, do re me. etc
Brings in balance for healing. Thanks  (Submitted by: Linda E on September 22, 2015)
  Thank you for this important information. Though a rock hound all the way back to childhood and having gone through a serious rock/crystal-collecting period more than twenty years ago, now seventy-three and dealing with health issues, I'm reactivating my loving fascination for these natural miracles.  (Submitted by: sooz on July 03, 2015)
  Thank you for the information. Just what I was looking for  (Submitted by: Anne C on June 22, 2015)
  New to crystals but learning.  (Submitted by: Bonita on July 01, 2014)
  Thanks Beverly for being so helpful.  (Submitted by: Yolanda W on February 06, 2014)
  I like to use water with crystals that can benefit of it, or moonlight in full moon period. I store my crystals on Antahkarana symbol so they will be constant full of energy. And also purify them well.  (Submitted by: Gloria V on January 04, 2014)
  Thanks so much for this information. I am absolutely new to crystals. I absolutely love stones and have always gravitated towards them, not knowing they have true meaning and purpose. So now I know. Thanks I will protect and cleanse all my lovely stone!! :-)  (Submitted by: Roxanne B on December 19, 2013)
    (Submitted by: BEVERLY B on September 26, 2013)
  Thank you for the great article on clearing. I really appreciate the thoroughness and forethought exhibited throughout the website.
I would like to ask you to expand on your reference to amber, in the context of clearing. I have heard that amber is one of those "gemstones" that does not need to be cleared, and that to charge it, you can rub it on your clothes.  (Submitted by: Paul W. on June 13, 2013)
  It is very interesting to know all abouthe healing stones, thank you and good luck_3_3_3!!!  (Submitted by: laura on April 25, 2013)
  Great article - thank you! Gave me some new ideas that I can use immediately.  (Submitted by: jude mccormick on January 21, 2013)
    (Submitted by: Roni M on November 04, 2012)
  Thanks for taking the time to explain the different methods. Nicely done, Thanks!

/Gary  (Submitted by: Gary on November 03, 2012)
  Hi, I just thought I would add my opinion to the list of clearing methods. I use Selenite and intent or prayer to clear my crystals. This method works for me. Just saying.  (Submitted by: Christina C on August 30, 2012)
  Interesting articles on cleansing stones. Thanks, Dee  (Submitted by: Dee on April 10, 2012)
  These are all great methods of clearing crystals, although I have one to add: clearing under a pyramid. Get yourself a glass pyarmid, or even make one out of paper, and stick your crystals overnight underneath. You can do this with other objects, too, including oils you use, or even foods and suppliments you take internally.  (Submitted by: Holly on October 08, 2010)
  I recently bought clear quartz crystals, & they are clear & overall in good shape. However, when holding them up to the light I noticed a few scratches on some & also what looks to be a little crack internally in some. But still, you don't notice these things unless you look closely at the crystal under light. Can I still use them in my meditation to clear my negative energy, or would these defects create negative energy? Thanks, Mimi  (Submitted by: Mimi Hadi on May 03, 2010)
  Hi Mimi,

All natural crystals are going to have a chip, ding, crack, or internal fracture. Many times, when they are polished or tumbled, a good deal of these outside chips, dings, etc are polished out. But in the natural state, chips, dings, scratches, etc are just part of the crystal. What we may see as defects, are actually just part of the crystal in its natural state.

As humans, we may see what we feel are imperfections (I am not so fond of my freckles), but really, that is what makes us what and who we are. It is the same with crystals.

So, let me assure you that any little chip, ding, scratch or internal fracture will in no way impede the energy of the crystal or make it "not work". These imperfections will not create negative energy. They will work exactly as you need them and intend them to work.

with love and crystal blessings,
Kristi  (Submitted by: Kristi on May 04, 2010)
  I liked most of the methods, and tho I have a slight case of OCD, I will use at least 3 of them.  (Submitted by: Kelley on April 08, 2010)
  Thank you so much for this article and such a fanastic website, lots of really helpful nformation.

However, I do have a few questions, under the 'SOUND' section of Cleansing your Crystals, the Tuning Fork is referred to as a good way to cleanse your crystals and I have recently purchased a Crystal Tuning Fork and the instructions advise to tap the blunt end of it on the crystal first and then turn it round to put the point end against the crystal itself, so it can benefit from the vibrations etc. etc.

What I wanted to know is, would some crystals be too delicate to tap a tuning fork on? or is it just common sense that the higher the hardness of the crystal the less likely this is to happen? and to choose a harder surface to tap the tuning fork on before setting the point down on the more delicate crystal? and over time would a crystal shatter if the Tuning Fork was continually used?

would appreciate your advice very much

bright blessings
rubyberrie x  (Submitted by: rubyberrie on January 21, 2010)
  I have never personally used Tuning Forks, but after reading a bit about them, I would have to agree, that they would work well on harder crystals with less of a likelihood to crack or break the crystal. Softer crystals (say 3 and under) may crack or break if laying the fork directly on them, but what about holding the tuning fork away a bit? The vibrations would still work very well, just on a gentler scale :) I think you are on the right track :) Tapping the tuning fork on a harder surface before setting the point on or slightly above the crystal would definitely help to maintain the crystals structure. Over time, will the crystal shatter? I honestly cannot say with 100% certainty, but I think that once you begin to use the Tuning Fork, and become familiar with how it works on specific pieces, it will become easier to choose what crystals you want to use the tuning fork on.
with love and crystal blessings,
Kristi  (Submitted by: Kristi on January 30, 2010)
  Hi, I just read this article and I wanted to say that I use an energetic octagon for clearing my crystals. One just has to put the crystal on the octagon for 2 minutes and wash the crystal with normal running water from the faucet. Dry the crystal and one can use it right away especially when I give Reiki I combine it with the chakra crystals and is giving me such good results. By the way the energetic octagon comes from Mexico. Enjoyed reading your articles. Keep up the good work. Madrid  (Submitted by: madrid on January 07, 2010)
  Madrid, Thanks for your suggestion about clearing crystals with an octagon. I'd love to hear more! Would you consider writing a short article for us describing that in more detail? I bet a lot of folks would want to read that. I know that I would. :-) Love and Harmony, Shawn  (Submitted by: Shawn on January 10, 2010)
  Hello, I want to start off with the highest good and Highest thank you from my heart for your site. I am very much in love with it. Now on clearing my crystals I also say a blessing over them while bathing them in a glass dish of holy water. I feel and believe that they enjoy the baths instead of running them under tap water. Also this new year 2010 It is a New Moon,Full Moon,Blue Moon and a Lunar Eclipse all in one. I don't think I care to share that with my crystals. What is your take on that? Have a wonderful evening. Love and Light with many Blessings! Hugs GypsyJewel...  (Submitted by: Lisa (GypsyJewel) on December 29, 2009)
  All appear to be various methods to clear crystals. I use one method not listed, but it appears to be effective. I place crystals under a pyramid structure for at least 72 hours. I also cleanse gold and silver jewelry this way.  (Submitted by: Mary on November 19, 2009)

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