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Cougar Animal Totem

This animal totem is Cougar – Leadership, Balance, Personal Power

Cougar’s medicine holds the lessons of the use of power, being an effective and fair leader and not abusing that power.  It is about how to balance power with intention, strength and grace. Leadership holds the responsibility of truthfulness and the ability to respond to any situation. By bringing out your personal power you can take charge of your life. To taking charge of your life, it means being decisive, not procrastinating, keeping your eyes on your goals and moving forward with grace and speed.

Cougar will silently watch and will strike when the time is just right, however, he is flexible and should something else catch his interest he will instinctively go with what is best for him without rationalizing his decision. This is telling you that the energy you need comes from your gut and not your head. Cougar is telling you to listen to your instincts. It is great to have a plan of action but new and possibly better opportunities may present themselves. Do you share too much of your plans with others? Do you trust your instinct? Can you shift your goals by trusting them? Can you let them guide you?

Cougar has a marked territory which is telling you that you need to have clearly defined boundaries and defend them when they are crossed. By having a clearly marked territory you will be aware of where you are, as well as others around you. Do you have a defined personal space?

Crystals to help you remember Cougar’s medicine are:


Personal Power


Trusting instincts



By Susan Jolley


Posted on March 11, 2015
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