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What stone helps connect to earth and fire?


Hi D:

Thank you for such an interesting question about which crystals work well with earth and fire energies.  I particularly like the volcanic crystals like Black Obsidian(actually any of the Obsidians like Mahogany or Golden Sheen all have that fiery quality) and Vesuvianitewhich is a crystal that was originally found buried in the ash of Mount Vesuvius.  Mexican Fire Opalis another excellent conduit for earth and fire and I also like Garnet.

A good way to find crystals that work with particular energies is to learn about their origins and their properties.  The Healing Metaphysical Guide has a lot of valuable information that will help you to find even more earth/fire crystals.  Here is that link:  Metaphysical Directory: Summary - Information About Crystals As A Healing Tool

Thank you for your support of Healing  I hope that you will let us know if we can be of any further service and I am confident that you will find some great crystals.  I will be thinking about you and I hope that your situation improves very soon.

Wishing you lots of love and light!

Crystal Blessings!

Tara Mideaker

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Posted on April 01, 2013
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