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Question: Which crystals can cleanse my aura?



Thank you for reaching out to us.

There are definitely many ways to cleanse/clear your aura and I personally love to use a crystal for doing this sort of energetic housekeeping as Energy Muse calls it.

I personally love to use Selenite for this because it is known to have a very cleansing vibration.
What I do is I take my wand and sweep through my aura, almost like the Selenite is a comb and I just imagine combing away the energy that doesn't serve me. It sounds strange but really does work and you feel different afterwards.
I wouldn't recommend using a small tumbled piece for this but that doesn't mean it would be impossible to clear your aura with that.
Energy Muse has an awesome video/article about it which you can view here: Clearing Your Energy Field (by Energy Muse)

Aura, Clearing crystals recommended in our Crystal for Common Conditions GuideApophylliteClear QuartzGreen FluoriteKyaniteSmokey Quartz

Philip Permutt (The Crystal Healer) recommends AmazoniteAqua Aura Quartz, and even Rutile (I think that Rutilated Smokey Quartz would be awesome for this) to name a few for clearing the aura.
Judy Hall (The Crystal Bible, Vol. 1) recommends Dravite for clearing the aura.

Don't forget to cleanse and clear your crystals!

I hope this helps a bit :)
Have a crystalicious day further!




  • We feel that crystals can complement other therapies and support energetic well being.
  • Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. 
  • For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

Posted on July 24, 2018
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