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Here is a Question from One of Our Customers:

Q:  What Crystals Will Aid with Healing After Neck Surgery?


I would highly recommend Green Fluorite. This will help to rebuild his immune system and keep any infections away while he is healing.

Dioptase helps to ease the pain of surgery, so that would be very helpful with such an intense procedure like neck surgery.

There are several crystals that can help to relieve pain- Lapis, Yellow Jasper, and/or Turquoise.

Amethyst, Green Aventurine, and/or Selenite will help to aid in the healing process.

Anytime there is surgery, there is trauma to the body, I would highly recommend some Rose Quartz, Blue Calcite, Blue jade and/or Peridot to help heal the shock to the body.

My best advice is to look at the crystals/stones recommended and pick out those that call to you :) Can't beat your own intuition :)

I will put your daddy on my long distance healing grid if you like :) Just let me know :)

with love and crystal blessings,

Posted on February 23, 2011

  I would like to add a couple stones that may prove useful.

Tree agate is useful for anything with branches (such as blood vessels, nerves, skeletal disorders). The perception of pain is carried by your nerves and tree agate will calm irritated nerves. Improved circulation in blood vessels will aid the healing process.

Hematite will also aid blood flow, iron deficiencies and the regeneration of tissue. Take care with its use since it might be a little too much too soon. I have a quartz with hematite strands in it and I have found that it has a softer, gentler effect that a pure hematite stone.  (Submitted by: JessLiteMT on February 23, 2011)

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