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Here is a question from one of our customers:

Q:  I am trying to defeat/cancel out the herpes simplex virus. I have read that its shell is a icosahedron, so I thought there may be another pattern (crystal) to cancel it out or change it into something else. Please let me know what crystal and method you would use for this ailment.


Dear K,
I must share the standard disclaimer that I am not a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals for healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. With that said, for your condition, I would like to start by suggesting some crystals that can help to ease pain, uplift the spirit, and remove/release anger and fear.

There arre three that come to mind Lapis Lazuli and Jadeite and Covellite
The Lapis will work on a cellular level to repair the cell structure. It is detoxifying andan immune system booster. Jadeite repairs damage to the reproductive orden and treats disorders of the same. Covelliteheals the sores during outbreaks. The reason they work so well is that they are not block or resisted by the disease when it goes dormant. while drugs have a difficult time penetrating the shell of the virus, crystals energy has no problem doing so. It works from inside the virus to disable the virus and remove it. So while drug usually only work while the virus is active, the crystals are always working.

Posted on January 23, 2011

  Please explain what nosodes are  (Submitted by: Nicole on February 06, 2011)
  Nosodes are great for viruses, even long term ones. I had herpes healed very quickly with a herpes simplex nosode.  (Submitted by: Johnny-K on January 26, 2011)

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