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Question: What crystals can help with grief?



Thank you so much for contacting us on behalf of your boyfriend. My heart is with you both during this time. I have several recommendations for you. Crystals for grief and love will be so helpful to you.

Rose Quartz
 and sugilite are both considered love stones that nurture and comfort us. They both can heal our hearts. As well, sugilite is good for forgiveness and guilt. We're currently out of sugilite, but you may be able to find it at a local store!

Black obsidian 
is a good stone for grief as it takes pain and transmutes that energy into positive feelings. This stone can really protect us while we grieve.

Green crystals will also aid him during grief because they work to heal and open the heart. Green is the colour of the heart chakra. For example clinozoisite.

When working with any crystal it is important to set a clear and strong intention to direct the healing energy. An affirmation can help this along. For example, each day spend time with the crystal and repeat an affirmation that you'd created such as, "I love myself and I am loved. I am grateful for all the love I see around me."

Here is an article 
with even more crystals and information during grief and sadness.

Don't forget to cleanse and clear your crystals.


  • We feel that crystals can complement other therapies and support energetic well being.
  • Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. 
  • For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

Posted on August 03, 2018
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