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Here is a question from one of our customers:

Q:  What crystals can help me with fibromyalgia?


Dear M,
Crystals for healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.

Fibromyalgia is a disease of mixed symptoms. And at this time we are only treating symptoms. Some new evidence points to toxins or pathogens that are embedded inside the cell wall and therefore difficult to treat with traditional medicines. Some of the best results are found with milk thistle. It detoxifies the body and liver and is said to remove heavy metals from the liver. As firbomyalgia is thought to be the result of toxins or inflammation of the nerve endings caused by toxins, milk thistle is said to help reduce the inflammation and the pain. There are some essential oils that are said to relieve the symptoms and pain of fibromyalgia.  Here is a very good article on what oils do to treat this diease.

Some oils that can be used in the treatment of fibromyalgia include:

Clary sage
Ylang ylang
For the paina nd muscle fatigue you can try these oils, in this combination.
thyme 5drops
Rosemary 10 drops
cypress 5 drops
Eucalyptus 10 drops, mix in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and work into the area. this can be used everyday.

In combination with that is acupressure which interrupts the pain signal from the nerve endings to the muscles.  Acupressure is something that you can do at home. Crystals can help with the pain. As you have said it is not long lasting for some people but can provide temporary relief until other methods can take effect.

Bacterial & Viral Infections
Calcite, Green-Rids body of infection
Chalcopyrite-reduces fever/inflammation
Copper-fights infection, cleanses wound
Fluorite, Green-for colds, flu, staph and strep
Moss Agate-relieves symptoms
Auto Immune
Agate, Dendritic
Amber-general pain relief, physical
Carnelian-removes blockage
Clear Quartz-general
Dioptase-pain of surgery
Magnetite-removes blockages
Rose Quartz-pain relief
Smithsonite, Pink
Turquoise-pain relief
Yellow Jasper-pain relief
Try a combination of treatments along with traditional medicine.
Until they can find out what causes fibromyalgia all we can do is treat
symptoms and relive pain as best we can.


Posted on January 08, 2011

  I love your wisdom; it always helps me. I am trying to learn all about plants and crystals that I can. I suffer from fibromyalgia and several other conditions. I am an Empath and a natural witch and a Christian which I know is odd in itself. I know I have to heal myself before I can help anyone else...  (Submitted by: Karen Alexander on August 10, 2019)
    (Submitted by: Shae on May 15, 2018)
  Organic Sulfur Crystals may help with fibromyalgia pain as they can help with other types of pain. Note, you eat them. Google it. Note this is not the yellow rock we know as sulfur but a very refined product.  (Submitted by: Chuck on July 03, 2016)
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