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Question: What crystals can aid with Crohn's disease?



Thank you for reaching out to us.

For Healing of Crohn's Disease*:
Please note that I am not a doctor and the crystals suggested are to be used to complement other forms of therapy. They are not to serve as a substitute for medical practices or advice.

Green Diopside
 carries the green ray of healing, and can be used to facilitate great healing in many ways. It has been specifically used to ease the inflammation and pain of Crohn's Disease.
 can help to stimulate physical regeneration of ailing or diseased organs, including intestines and skin. It can be used to assist in detoxifying the body and the removal of blockages.
Yellow Jasper
 and Blue Tiger Eye can be used for general support and healing.
Green Tourmaline
 to assist with diarrhea and can help to calm an upset stomach.
 can assist with cramping.

For a Boost of Positivity:
Generally any yellow or orange crystal would help to promote positivity and happiness but these are the ones I would recommend. All three of these are known to be feel-good crystals that help us to see the lighter side and stay optimistic.

If you would prefer one crystal to address any issue you may face, you can also take a look at Clear Quartz which is known to be the master healer due to its versatility. It can be programmed with any intention and assist in almost every area of one's life.

Other Articles you may find Useful:
Crystals to Help with Crohn's Disease (HealingCrystals Article)

Don't forget to clear your crystals of energetic build-up after purchase as well as on a regular basis.

I hope this helps a bit :)
Have a crystalicious day further!




  • We feel that crystals can complement other therapies and support energetic well being.
  • Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. 
  • For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

Posted on July 20, 2018
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