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While we do not endorse any specific teachers, courses, or certification programs, below is a list for informational purposes:


Allie Phillips with Manifested Harmony

Allie Phillips with Manifested Harmony
Allie is an attorney and energy wellness business owner who focuses on proof, not fluff! She's certified as an Advanced Crystal Master, Health Coach, Life Coach, Integrated Energy Therapy Master-Instructor and Usui Reiki Master-Teacher. She is also the author of The Oily Crystal, the go-to book on how to safely blend essential oils with crystals. She offers a Basic, Advanced, and Animal class, all of which are online. She offers 3 different certifications and The Crystal Cluster is a membership group for her students. 

You can read about Crystal Healing Classes and view her books: "The Oily Pet" & "The Oily Crystal".


Ashley Leavy from the Love and Light School

Ashley Leavy from the Love and Light School
Hi, I’m Ashley Leavy, Founder & Educational Director of the Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy – where our mission is to share the power of crystal healing with people all over the world. If you are curious about using crystals to make positive changes for yourself, your friends & family, or your clients, then you’ve come to the right place. We offer a broad range of training programs & free resources for wellness professionals and crystal enthusiasts from all around the world.

You can read about Crystal Certification Courses (CCH/ACP) and listen to her free podcasts.



HibiscusMoon Academy
This is the place to learn all about the art & science of crystal therapy. We enjoy exploring the physics & metaphysics behind crystal therapy while having loads of FUN. The academy is taught by me, Hibiscus Moon, best-selling author of the book Crystal Grids: How and Why They Work.

Read more about her Crystal Certification Program (CCP) and view her book on Amazon: "Crystal Grids: How and Why They Work: A Science-Based, Yet Practical Guide".


Krista Mitchell

Krista Mitchell
Krista Mitchell is a master crystal healing teacher and author of “Change Your Energy: Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love & Luck”, and "Crystal Reiki", and she's been teaching people how to heal themselves and others with crystals since 2005.

You can read about Certification Courses and view her books: "Crystal Reiki", "Change your Energy" & "Crystal Unicorn Quiz Book".


Nicole Marie from Sol Path Crystals

Nicole Marie from Sol Path Crystals
Nicole Marie is a certified crystal practitioner, certified Reiki master, member of the International Reiki Organization, and an instructor at The Haunted Diary Paranormal School where she teaches a variety of crystal classes and workshops, as well as a Crystal Reiki certification course. 

Visit her Website, Facebook or Instagram to see what classes she is teaching.


Samaya K. Aster

Samaya K. Aster from Crystalis Institute
Formerly Naisha Ahsian, Samaya is the co-author of "The Book of Stones", author of Crystal Ally Cards, and Founder and Editor of Crystal Resonance magazine.

Read about her certification programs and watch her YouTube Videos.


Posted on May 21, 2014
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