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Red Jasper

By Debbie Elaine


The first time I held a crystal, I felt nothing.  I didn’t see or sense anything at all. I thought the friend who’d given it to me was imagining things. But as I carried the piece of Red Jasper she’d given me in my pocket, I started to notice the way it looked and how it felt in my hand. One day I took it to a Reiki certification class and, during one of the healings, it heated up so much that when I finally opened my hand to look, I half expected to see a burn mark there!

Since the day I first felt the energy of Red Jasper, I’ve used it for things like relief from cramps and for grounding when working with high vibration crystals like Phenacite. In the early days it was my only pocket stone, so if I needed extra energy supporting me throughout the day, Red Jasper went with me. It was a great “worry stone” for times of stress. The smoothness of its surface and the warmth of its shape in my hand dissolved my stress with surprising ease.

My little Red Jasper is pretty, in a humble, non-sparkly way.  It’s not flashy like Labradorite. It’s not sleek like Hematite. It doesn’t catch the light like Clear Quartz, but it was interesting enough to encourage my curiosity about other crystals. My friend told me there were other healing crystals more popular than Red Jasper, so naturally, I had to check them out. Suddenly, crystal healing books were my favorite read. I searched the web for more crystal information (and found Yay! ) Next, creating crystal Reiki jewelry became my hobby, and crystals filled my home. I even took a crystal healing certification class - all of this inspired by a piece of Red Jasper!

What is your favorite crystal? I wouldn’t say Red Jasper is my favorite stone. I don’t even know if I HAVE a favorite stone (it’s usually whichever one I’m working with when someone asks.).  How can I be so “mushy” about a crystal? I don’t know, I just am! Beside the fact that Red Jasper started it all for me, Jaspers are just really good basic healing crystals. They come in amazing colors. When polished, they have a wonderful texture that makes them great worry stones. And, since I’m always mixing crystals together for jewelry, I’ve noticed that they combine really well with lots of other stones. As I have worked with other jaspers, I have been amazed by their unique individual qualities as well.

If you’ve been sticking with the really well known stones like Clear Quartz, Amethyst and Rose Quartz, but want to try something different, try some Jaspers. They’re actually part of the quartz family, but have different crystal structure and different inclusions that cause color variations. You don’t need to start with Red Jasper like I did.  Why not try Yellow Jasper, Mookaite Jasper, or another favorite of mine: Ocean Jasper?  Raw or polished, their colors and energy are a great addition to any crystal collection.

Posted on November 02, 2012

  What a nice article. Asking what a favorite crystal is, is like asking who's your favorite child, lol. I love them all equally, though at certain times am drawn to the one that I need most. I also love the way crystals choose us, I have gone out to buy crystals on many occasions only to come home with something totally different than the one I set out to buy. This happens when I'm browsing your website as well, I often end up with something I had no idea I was going to purchase, but have never regretted doing that.

~Namaste  (Submitted by: Karen on November 03, 2012)

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