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Subject: Recommendations for Someone New to Crystals
Date: 07/28/10
From: Bobbie
To: Healing Crystals

I was wondering, since I am new to stones and meditation, could you help me develop a group of chakra stones for specific things I want to accomplish? I know I need 2 Clear Quartz crystals and a Rose Quartz. I would like to develop a neck bag with the stones I am working with to lose weight, find my soul mate, clear my physical pains and help me open myself to my psychic abilities.

Thank you for the assistance.






Hi Bobbie,

I want to offer several suggestions for each of the issues you are working on. Then, what I would like you to do is follow each link, look at the stone and see what resonates with you the best. That will be the pieces you want to start with :)

For physical pain relief, I would suggest trying:
Yellow Jasper

To lose weight, probably one of the most popular pieces is Blue Apatite.

You may also want to consider:
Green Tourmaline

To open your intuition, most people go straight to Amethyst.

Other crystals that will help to access and open the intuition would include:

To find a soul mate, the Rose Quartz you have will work well.

Other crystals/stones that could be effective in attracting your Soul Mate would be:

I think this will give you a really nice selection to begin with. Give each piece a "look see" and choose what feels best for you :)

With love and crystal blessings,


Posted on July 29, 2010
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