Questions to Find the Right Crytsal
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I'm 54 years old. I am recovering from tongue cancer, I have severe nerve damage in my spine lower back all the way up to my head. I've been getting dizzy. I passed out and fell and fractured C4 in my neck. I have carpel tunnel in both hands, both knees are bad, I got Hepatitis C when in the 82nd airborne 37 years ago. I've studied a lot about meditation and astral travel and all that other stuff but can't seem to calm my mind. I really want to feel that closeness to god but seem to always have to much pain or just to much stuff going on in the mind. Can you make some recommendations.
Your advice would truly be appreciated.
Greetings John,
You have a lot of stuff to deal with on a daily basis! Bless you for fighting through it all. I am sure the pain does not help when it comes to finding that silent place within. Let's see if I can offer some suggestions for you to try. :)
There are quite a few crystals that can offer some pain relief. Amber is my absolute favorite. It tends to pull the pain out of the body (muscles, tendons, etc) which would help with the carpal tunnel since it is basically a shortening up of the tendons and muscles. It also helps to stimulate and strengthen tissues, which will be a great help with the carpal tunnel and the knees in your healing process. Make sure to cleanse it after each use.
There are stretching exercises that can be of great help with carpal tunnel too. Simply putting your hand flat against a wall and stretching these tendons can work well. Don't push it, just start with a few seconds per hand and work your way up. The moment you feel the slightest pain, stop. I was taught this exercise a few years ago and it does seem to help quite a bit!
Crystals such as Carnelian, can help to remove blockages that may be causing pain. Other crystals that can assist with pain include:
Lapis Lazuli-pain relief, physical
Rose Quartz-pain relief
Turquoise-pain relief
Yellow Jasper-pain relief
To work with the existing nerve damage in your back, choose one or more of these crystals:
Amazonite-dissipates blockages
Aragonite-stimulates healing
Chrysoprase-system cell rejuvenation
Manganocalcite-heals nerves at the cellular level
I do believe that sitting still (a type of meditation) would be very beneficial, but I do understand that constant mind chatter that goes along with being still. What I am going to suggest is to hold any of the following stones while doing something you love. For instance, sometimes when my mind chatters, I move away from sitting still and instead put on my favorite soothing music. What I find is that this is also a type of meditation. Your mind and body are relaxed and at rest while you listen--and really, that is all meditation is :)
Using these stones will help to put your energy vibration in a higher state. Doing something like listening to soothing music, will turn your mind off. Crystals I would like you to consider would be
Amethyst, Labradorite, Blue Lace Agate and/or Chrysocolla.
Amethyst can help you on many levels, not only with pain relief and soothing the mind, it is also a wonderful companion to keep under your bed to enhance your sleep. While you are at rest, the body does a great deal of healing. Amethyst will help here.
I think these archived articles at Healing Crystals may also offer some suggestions.
I know this is a lot of information to take in all at once, but as you research these crystals and read the articles, you will find information that resonates with you (that deep, Ah-ha!) and go from there.
Blessings to you as you begin your crystal healing process,