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I am came across your Facebook page. I am very interested in getting familiar with the Quartz crystals. I read about the energy healing and how powerful they are. I want to know which one do you recommend to heal my 8 year old son. I have changed his diet to strictly plant- based foods, juices and supplements. Additionally, I want to heal him with crystals to help him recover and for overall better health. My son has neurological disorder, which effects his speech. He can speak single words, but has not developed full sentences yet, among other physical challenges. Look forward for your advice and guidance. God Bless!




Dear B,

I am sorry to learn of your son's difficulties. How lucky he is to have a parent who is willing to try alternate therapies to help him. Before I go further, I must share that I am not a medical professional and can neither diagnose illness nor prescribe medical treatments. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical care, but rather used as a complimentary therapy along with the treatment prescribed by your licensed medical professional.

is credited with helping the nervous system. Using the indirect method to charge his drinking water with it would be a good way to help him take in that energy to support the resolution of his neurological issues. Additionally, pesticides can contain nuerotoxins, which might be aggreviating or even causing his problems, so try to eat organic as much as possible. EMF's the electromagnetic frequencies in the air from cell phone towers, electronic appliances, radio waves, etc can also affect children who are sensitive, so you may want to research that to minimize his exposure and allow his system to strengthen.

Blue Lace Agate
assists with all types of communication, but especially the spoken word. It works with the throat chakra, and if you can find a necklace that is to his liking with this crystal in it, wearing it near the throat will help him receive the energy consistently and where it needs to go. Agates work slowly, but their effects tend to be long lasting.

Finally, Fancy Jasper is Jasper that comes in a variety of colors and as such, it provides a spectrum of vibrations that are beneficial to recovering from long-term health issues. Jaspers support overall health. Having a large piece where he spends a lot of time, such as near his bed, will allow him to benefit from it's gentle, but effective energy.

Whenever you use crystals for strong, ongoing work, you want to be sure to cleanse them and re-energize them regularly. Also think of short, concise and positively-worded ways to state your intention for each crystal's work. Such as "Dumortierite, please heal and perfect (insert son's name)'s neurological function." "Blue Lace Agate, please assist (insert son's name) with learning to communicate through speech.

I hope this information has been helpful to you.. And of course, if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us again!

Crystal Blessings!
Debbie Elaine

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Posted on October 24, 2015
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