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Hi, I would like to know what stone would help my baby girl Amber. She is a Toy Poodle and she has congestive heart failure and it is getting worse. Please Is there any stone(s) that can help her I would really appreciate it. Thank you so very much. Much Love & Peace.



Hi C:

I am so sorry to hear about Amber's illness.  I have to remind you that crystals are for healing and should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. Crystals are not a medical treatment and should not be replace the medical care that Amber's doctor has prescribed.

I suggest that you try here namesake, Amber, as it is very healing for heart conditions and will also help her with any pain that she may be feeling.  Green Tourmaline is another excellent crystals that is very proactive at working with Heart Disease.  You might try charging her water with the Green not place the crystal in the water because it might be toxic but you could place it outside of the water and ask that it's healing energy be transferred.  If she has a special place that she likes to sleep I would place the Amber by it.

I am also going to suggest a Dalmatian Jasper to assist with your communications with Amber and help bring both of your some healing and peace.  It is can be a challenge when our pets are suffering to know what is best for them and this will help you both.  Finally, I think a Snowflake Obsidianmight help to keep you strong and positive for Amber while she is healing.

Thank you again for reaching out to us and for your support of Healing  I hope that I have been able to help and that you will not hesitate to contact me with any other questions.  I am sending you and Amber lots of positive and healing energy!  I will be thinking of you and your little girl.

Wishing you lots of Love and Light!

Crystal Blessings!

Tara Mideaker

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Please Note: Crystals are for healing and should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. Crystals are not a medical treatment and should not be used as a replacement for medical care. Please consult your healthcare specialist for your particular needs.

Posted on January 13, 2014

  This article really hit home! I too have a Poodle mix. He is going on 13 and he has Congestive Heart Failure along with a Seizure disorder and an Under active Thyroid. I have had him since he was 7 weeks old. I went to look for "patio furniture" and came home with "L.K." he was in a play pen all alone curled up In a little ball. I asked the lady what it was because I really couldn't tell then she told me he was part Pomeranian and part Poodle. She handed him to me and that was it. Love in an instant! So, needless to say, I have never once thought about Patio furniture again! He is my Sun and Son and he is Loved very much! Thanks for letting me share my wonderful story!  (Submitted by: Lydia on January 14, 2014)

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