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This morning, flowers cracked open
the earth’s brown shell. Spring
leaves spilled everywhere
though winter’s stern hand
could come down again at any moment
to break the delicate yolk
of a new bloom.
Excerpt, “First Crocus”
©2007, Christine Klocek-Lim

Ah...can you smell that? Springtime! For those who live in seasonal climes, spring bodes beautifully with crystal blue skies and a green, loamy scent that just can’t be replicated in a bottle. Spring also ushersin lovely bursts of color celebrated through the traditional pastel shades of Easter [1], the subtle, earthy tones of Passover [2], andthe bright beautiful hues of Ostara [3]. Whether one is religious or secular, spiritual or otherwise, a rich assortment of crystals can release winter’s dark hold and welcome spring’s bright new bounty

The most seasonal crystals with which to celebrate the return of spring focus on rebirth, light, sun, and movement of old energy; not surprisingly, these stones also reflect spring’s traditional colors of pink, baby blue, lavender and yellow. Spring favorites might include wonderful, popular stones like Rhodocrosite, Amethyst, and Honey Citrine. For those who want to really celebrate the renewal that makes spring sing, choose crystals that breathe new life into old, stagnant energy like Topaz, Apatite, and Calcite.

Topaz, especially Clear Topaz, works to shift thought patterns and helps to unstick stagnant energy, while Apatite (both yellow and blue) is a highly inspirational and motivational stone that builds energy and stimulates under-activity. Calcite, an amplifier stone that increases the energy of stones it contacts, cleanses and clears, thus making its many variations perfect for spring:

  • Green Calcite, a lucid-hued stone I sprinkle around my home, does double duty in springtime as it both reflects the Ostara preference for light green (a symbolic color for abundance and fertility) as well as encourages the elimination of stagnant energy.
  • Red Calcite reflects the color of fire, blood, birth, and death, and acknowledges those who jump spring bonfires in the hopes for a plentiful year ahead. Red Calcite is especially noted for removing blocks—nature’s own version of spring cleaning!
  • Yellow Calcite is known as an eliminator and stimulator with an expansive energy that motivates and uplifts,
  • Orange Calcite stimulates the 2nd chakra, helps with depression (much more common during the dark days of winter), energizes, and cleanses.

If you’re feeling down with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), consider light-bearing crystals to nudge out the blues and get ready for spring, like the grandmother of all sunny, lighthearted stones, Sunstone. Usually some shade of orange, yellow or reddish-brown, Sunstone lifts spirits like a bright, fresh breeze blowing through a stifling room. An alchemical stone, Sunstone brings in energy and light, creating a connection to the regenerative powers of the sun. Sunstone can lift moods and lighten the darkness of winter with its antidepressant qualities. Put a piece of Sunstone on the solar plexus to feel heavy, dark energy transmute into something lighter and more workable.

So what do you do when you’ve cleared away the cobwebs, gotten yourself revved, put your SAD away for the season…and have hay fever so badly you’d rather breathe underwater? Choose some allergy season crystals with anti-inflammatory and sinus-clearing properties. As with any crystals, you might carry them, tuck them under your pillow or, when feeling sinus pain, hold them on the nose and face.
  • Zircon helps to keep interrupted sleep from blocked nasal and sinus passages continuous;
  • Aquamarine and Rose-Eye Jasper offer protection from environmental pollution;
  • Diamonds aid with allergy protection;
  • Hematite helps to ease congestion pain; and
  • Roscherite eases congestion.

Some other spring stones that help lighten the emotional load and welcome longer days of summer include agates (like Moss Agate, another of my favorites) that help to de-stress and restore energy, Aventurine for the way it inspires the mind and helps with healing, and Carnelian, to inspire courage, creativity, and movement.
When spring calls to you, wake up from your winter slumber, grab few of your favorite crystals, and call back!

Sylvia M DeSantis

Healing Crystals Expert



1 Although those who acknowledge Easter as the religious holiday that marks the death and rebirth of Christ may celebrate it slightly differently than those who enjoy Easter as a secular springtime ritual, both approaches regard Spring as a time that celebrates a world bursting with new life.

2 The celebration of Ostara—a Pagan holiday celebrating the vernal equinox, when daylight and night are equal—greets spring with song and dance, decorated altars, and bonfires. During Ostara, nature offers its celebrants the promise of abundant future harvests. Not unlike Christmas and Halloween (other widely celebrated Western holidays full of color and décor that hearken from pagan roots), Easter’s springtime traditions can be traced back to ancient Pagan celebrations diluted for popular consumption.

3 Passover, a Jewish holiday, commemorates the story of the Exodus; in the Bible, God helped Israel escape slavery by inflicting ten plagues upon the Egyptians before Pharaoh would release his Israelite slaves. The tenth plague was slaughter of the first-born child. God instructed the Israelites to mark their doors with the blood of a spring lamb and, upon seeing this, passed overthese homes (hence the term "Passover"). When Pharaoh freed the Israelites, they left so quickly they could not wait for bread to rise; in commemoration, Matzo, flat unleavened bread, is the primary symbol of the holiday.


Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic; Scott Cunningham

The Crystal Bible; Judy Hall

Crystal Therapy; Doreen Virtue



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Posted on March 15, 2011
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