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"I'm wondering if Septarian is also sometimes called "Turtle Back Rock Jade"? To my eye they look exactly the same. Thanks ????"




Thank you for reaching out to us.

I think that Turtle Back Rock Jade is a name given to it because the "back" looks like turtle shell. However it isn't Jade.
 as described by Philip Permutt is "Nodules of clay ironstone into which other minerals, such as calcite, jasper, dolomite, aragonite, and occasionally barite, are deposited through small cracks in the structure."

Definition of septarian (from
Said of the irregular polygonal pattern of internal cracks developed in septaria, closely resembling the desiccation structure of mud cracks; also said of the epigenetic mineral deposits that may occur as fillings of these cracks.
Septarium is also called: septarian nodule, septarian concretion, beetle stone, turtle stone (from

Now BLACK Septarian is what looks like Turtle Back Rock Jade to me and that is where the "inside of the egg" looks black as opposed to brown or that yellowy/cream colour.
Black Septarian is also sometimes called dragon's egg which is not the only crystal to be called this OR, dragonstone but it is not that. Dragonstone is a mixture of green epidote and red piemontite forming a translucent-to-opaque rock.

I hope this helps a bit :)

External Sources: Philip Permutt (The Crystal Healer, Vol. 1 and 2),


DISCLAIMER: We feel that crystals can complement other therapies and support energetic well being. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

Posted on October 31, 2018
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