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Hi ladies. Thanks you for all your support and help, with my questions from the previous letters. I now have work related questions to ask what other crystals will help me in the Veterinary field. I just ordered the Dalmatian Jasper for the kids (animals) (I think of them as kids that can not talk to us ) that I work with when they come in for surgeries or procedures. I also deal with rescued little ones and moms that are pregnant that come to us when they owners do not want them anymore. They are very confuse wondering why they are here and not with the owners. If you can help me that would be greatly appreciated.



Hi J,

Thanks for contacting us again. Dalmatian Jasper is a great choice for working with animals. Try also using Moss Agate to reduce the anxiety and nervousness in rescued pets. Citrine and Mookaite can help them settle into a new home. When one of the animals is especially distressed, use Rose Quartz and Watermelon Tourmaline. For expecting mothers, I recommend Chysocolla, which can also be helpful during the delivery, and Bloodstone. Try attaching a crystal to their collars (of course, be careful of choking hazards) and make sure to periodically clear the energy of the crystals. You can also place the crystals around the room to help all the furry friends feel the benefitsI hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions. May your journey be blessed with Love and Light.

Crystal Blessings,

Stephanie A.

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Disclaimer: I must share the standard disclaimer that I am not a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals for healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.

Posted on November 13, 2013

  I have to giggle at putting the crystals around the room for the animals. My 11 month old silver lab puppy has an especially strong liking for rose quartz! If I have it out any where, she finds it! She likes to carry around a piece in her mouth. There could be 4-5 different kinds of crystals in a dish, she will always find the rose quartz! Of course, I have to make her give it up as I'm afraid she will choke on it.  (Submitted by: Jeri on August 14, 2016)
    (Submitted by: Cheryl S on January 02, 2014)
  I use rainforest rhyolite it helps heal animals  (Submitted by: Desdaysmom on January 01, 2014)

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