I was reading about being repulsed by a crystal and I was wondering about a stone I have. I don't know what it is called but it looks like petrified wood, and it is said to relive pain. But when I hold on to it and rub it I feel pain. Any ideas?
Good Morning Kendon,
Thank you so much for sharing a picture of your stone. It was very helpful!
Yes, it does appear to be a nice piece of
Petrified Wood. Very nice!
I have experienced the same thing on occasion. Emerald brings a pretty intense pain to my hand when I hold it. After I did a little work, I began to understand why this occurred and began to work through the process of healing the hurt that was brought to my attention by the Emerald.
What I feel to be true for me is that the pain is caused by an energy blockage of some kind and the healing stone/crystal, in this case, petrified wood, is working to break up and release that blockage. Sometimes, it feels uncomfortable but it will pass. As the Petrified Wood works on the blockage, the pain will decrease as the blocked energy is released.
Are you placing the Petrified Wood directly on the area of pain? Or holding it in your hand the entire time? You may want to experiment with it a bit. Try laying it on the affected area and see how you feel. You could place it under your pillow while you sleep to allow healing to occur while the body is at rest. You could also try it in conjunction with other pain relieving pieces, such as Amber to see if this makes you more comfortable.
If the Petrified Wood makes you feel uncomfortable, here are some other crystal recommendations that also help to ease pain.
Amber-general pain relief, physical
Carnelian-removes blockage
Clear Quartz-general
Lapis Lazuli-pain relief, physical
Rose Quartz-pain relief
Turquoise-pain relief
Yellow Jasper-pain relief
Crystals are here to help, not hurt. Take into consideration that the pain may be bringing an underlying cause to your attention, that's all.
Continue to work with your crystals. Pay specific attention to how your body feels as you do so. I am sure you will find the pain relief you seek. It just may take a few tries to find the right piece for you.
With love and crystal blessings,
Kristi Huggins
Author and
Project Manager for Healing Crystals