I have a 10 year old English Springer. She was diagnosed with Diabetes in December. Almost overnight, she went blind. Her right eye is irreversible — the eye membrane burst and all that sugary fluid got inside her eye, and there is no surgery to fix it. I have to give her three different kinds of eye drops three times a day, 15 minutes apart, and 2 kinds of pills: one three times a day, the other twice a day.
What I wanted to know is, is there any crystal I could put on her collar or that would at least ease her discomforts in her eyes? That is what the drops and pills are for, but the pressure in the right eye is still very high. Normal eye pressure is around 9-13. Hers is 53. Her left eye is normal except for being blind. This specialist tells me with that kind of pressure, it is like having a migraine in her eye. So that is what one of the pills is for but I don't know if it is helping her pain or not. I think it is, as she no longer whimpers if I touch that eye like she did before. She increased her meds to lower the pressure in the eye.
I just wanted to know if there is any particular type of crystal that might help ease any discomfort she may be having. I wanted something I could add to her collar if possible. I can make a little pouch and put it on her collar if there is a crystal that might help. I am not looking for something that will restore her sight — I know there is no such thing. IF there were, I'd snap it up in a heartbeat! This specialist would probably think me nuts for trying crystal power, but I have only recently learned about crystals and their power from a dear friend in Australia who gave me a link where she gets her crystals, but because it is Australia the shipping is outrageous. So I just did a search to find a local place and discovered this site, which I liked immediately due to how informative it is and how easy it is to navigate and use.
Thank you for whatever help you can give me.
Hi Sandra,
I am sorry to hear of the challenges that you and your beloved animal companion are currently experiencing. As an animal lover, I can totally relate to the love you have for your pet. Let's see if I can offer some crystal recommendations that may ease her discomfort.
There are several crystals that work with the eyes specifically. For instance, Apophyllite can help to improve vision while Green Aventurine can strengthen eyesight. Bloodstone can help to ease failing eyesight while Blue Lace Agate helps to heal eye infections.
The are some pieces that came to mind specifically for your pet.
Jet is very helpful to use when migraine headaches are present. I think it would really be of assistance here as well.
Chrysoprase can help with any inflammation in the eye area.
Labradorite may be used to clarify the eyes and ease discomfort.
Citrine increases visual abilities.
Blue Fluorite is used for treatment of conditions of the eyes
If you know of anyone in your area that does Reiki (a type of energy healing), that may also help to ease any discomfort the doggy is feeling.
I would also be very happy to add your pets name to my long distance healing grid for animals that I have set up in my home if you like :) All I will need is her name.
I love the idea of a little pouch that she can wear. I wish you and your animal companion much love and healing.
With love and crystal blessings,