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Inside this Issue September 2022 Newsletter

Hello September!

Can you feel that good energy? It's fall and soon she'll be officially here!!

Fall, a favorite for many, is a wonderful time of year with cooler weather, beautiful leaves and the incredible fall colors. The Fall Equinox is a perfect opportunity to reflect on what we are grateful for and then share the abundance and blessings with loved ones.

PS: The 16th is "Collect Rocks Day" so if you love collecting rocks, pop on over to our Social Media on the 16th for something exciting wink

Celebrating the Fall Equinox Sale

The Fall Equinox is a good time to reflect on how much we have and to celebrate that abundance. It's a time where we've completed one season and look forward to the new change that Fall brings. This is also a time where it's good to give back if you had a good harvest. Sharing our abundances in whatever form it may take is what makes a community more richer.

This month, we'll be celebrating the Fall Equinox by showcasing our absolute favorite red, brown, orange and yellow crystals to represent all the beautiful colors of fall! The colors is what makes this time all the more beautiful!

Apart from the fall colors, here are some crystals which are fabulous for the Fall Equinox energy:

Lapis Lazuli Beaded Bracelet Carnelian Gallet Nephrite Jade Cabochons

Lapis Lazuli to help with reflecting on this season that's passed and appreciating what you have, but also for finding your inner strength and mentally preparing.

Red Jasper, Brown Jasper, Carnelian, and Honey Calcite to help you draw up the energy from the ground and the Earth to carry you through the rest of the year, before and when winter sets in.

Jade to open your heart and see the beauty in what you have, but to also share your surplus with loved ones and the community. Jade invites us to see our blessings and welcome abundance.

Reminder: If you are in the surrounding area of our Showroom in Clear Brook VA, make an appointment to shop in our Showroom and receive an extra $5 off for coming in to shop! Call us at 703-828-4325 or email to make that shopping appointment.

Current Crystal Favorites

Sphalerite Towers Malachite Free Form Rainbow Fluorite DT Points
Labradorite Free Forms Agate Enhydro Chrysocolla Polished Forms with Malachite
Rose Pyramids Rainbow Fluorite Spheres Rainbow Fluorite Slices

Visit our New Arrivals to see what we've recently unpacked wink

Lapis Lazuli encourages clear, truthful expression when sharing with others, including an easier voicing of anger. Deeply peaceful, Lapis provides wisdom into mystical realms and connection with spiritual guardians. Our stone of the month Lapis Lazuli will be 10% off through September 2022. Lapis Lazuli

Citrine Cathedral 10

Citrine Cathedrals can be used for manifestation (of any kind) and help to bring in abundance when placed in the far left corner of your home. Citrine has a warm, extra-bright energy and a sweet vibration. All of our Citrine Cathedrals (heat treated) will be 20% off through September 2022.

Be first in line to hear about new items on the website, special discounts, events and more by signing up to our Special Offers Email List!
Click the button below to sign up

Posts Featured This Month

  • How to Make Big Life Changes with Crystals by Krista Mitchell for anyone who has felt unhappy or dissatisfied and wanted to work with crystals to bring needed change.
  • Crystal Talk: Hemimorphite, a great stone to work with when you're seeking to gain more self-confidence to communicate your ideas in a creative manner, but what else makes this stone so special? Keep reading to find out!

How to Make Big Life Changes with Crystals

By Krista Mitchell

I was talking with a friend recently about the state of her life:

There were so many things that she wanted to change, that she was unhappy or dissatisfied with, but she didn’t know where to start?

Everything seemed to be a priority.

She felt that each issue needed to be changed if her whole life were to change.

And she needed change.

Have you ever experienced this feeling?

I have too, and here’s the thing I’ve learned: it’s not the individual parts that need to change to affect the whole, it’s the whole that needs to change to affect the parts.

The example that comes to me is that of the Hydra: a mythical beast in classical mythology that had multiple heads.

It could not be defeated because each time a head was cut off another would grow in its place.

In this scenario the “heads” are the multiple parts of your life that need change, and the “body” of the Hydra is your state of consciousness that created them.

Ergo: if you change your state of consciousness, your life, and the parts thereof (which you create through your consciousness) must also change.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein

The challenge that arises for us in this process is our shadow self:

The defenses (ie: denial, resistance, excuses, subconscious commitments, limiting or negative beliefs) our shadow throws up to keep those heads in place.

The shadow self is why so many people, and humans collectively, have trouble creating and embodying real change.

It’s also why shadow self-healing is a significant area of study in my Pro Crystal Healer program:

I teach my students that anything that’s ailing a person, that is not purely physical in nature, can be found in the shadow.

The thing is I did years and years of deep shadow work, and while I could feel the mental + emotional healing happening within, I wasn’t experiencing the changes I felt I should have been in my life as a result.

That’s because I was missing a step, and this I learned through the work I teach in my Light Walker program:

I also needed to do the spiritual work to shift + expand my state of consciousness.

The shadow healing resolves the wounds.

The shift in consciousness creates the Me that I wish to evolve into becoming.

This realization took me from a transitional period on 2016 where I felt lost, confused, defeated, broke, to now where I have two books published (and a third on the way), my own online Academy that trains powerful healers all over the world, and a life I look forward each day to living.

Here’s a crystal healing practice you can try:

First, take stock of yourself and your life and identify the areas where you desire change.

Then hold a shadow stone (suggestions: Apache tear, black obsidian, covellite) and sit with your soul. Ask yourself what pain or fear helped to create these parts of yourself and your life?

Apache TearBlack ObsidianCovelite

Next hold a heart stone (suggestions: watermelon tourmaline, mangano calcite, rhodochrosite) and ask your soul to reveal to you how you can heal. Trust what resonates.

Watermelon TourmalineMangano CalciteRhodochrosite

Finally, as you take action towards healing, sit regularly while holding a consciousness activation stone (suggestions: scolecite, phenacite, Lemurian seed crystals) and let its energy flow through you.

ScolecitePhenacite CrystalLemurian Seed

You don’t need to do anything more than sit quietly with a consciousness stone – the shift happens at a light level. In time it patterns right down to your DNA and into your cellular matrix.

Give it time – this is a process! And don’t try to force change, as I’ve found the exact opposite (surrender, allowing, receiving) is what eases + accelerates transformation.


Master Crystal Healing Teacher and Author of "Change Your Energy: Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love & Luck”, and "Crystal Reiki", and teaching people how to heal themselves and others with crystals since 2005.

For further support, guidance or instruction, check out her crystal classes and training or private sessions!

Visit her WebsiteFacebook PageInstagram, and YouTube.

PS: Final enrollment to Krista's Pro Crystal Healer Program closes on September 22. She is closing the program to create space so that she can work on her third book and to evolve into new work.

Crystal Talk

Crystal Talk: Hemimorphite

Hemimorphite, a zinc silicate, can be found in either colorless/white crystal blades or blue/green botryoidal clusters (like a bunch of grapes). It is so-named because it is hemimorphic, which means each end of the crystal has different terminations. It was once called “calamine”. Hemimorphite has a glassy and silky luster and in its natural form a dull shine. This crystal can have a greasy appearance.

Use Hemimorphite when you need to gain more self-confidence to communicate your ideas in a creative manner or to increase self-expression. Sometimes called the “Buddha Stone”, Hemimorphite reduces anger and selfishness so that you can gain a sense of peace among those around you, without being over-bearing or obsessive, thus allowing them their space and encouraging a better, more relaxed and loving atmosphere.

Hemimorphite is an excellent Third Eye chakra crystal to have when you want to enhance your creativity, communication, as well as psychic abilities. It may help you find your spirit guides. It can lighten the aura and enables you to be in the right place at the right time.

Physically, Hemimorphite helps with blood disorders; alleviates headaches as well as other pain; balances the hormones, and helps maintain a normal appetite, especially during dieting.

Hemimorphite works well with AragoniteAquamarineCalciteChiastoliteMorganitePyrite, and Scolecite.

Posted on September 01, 2022
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