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Summer officially ends this month and autumn arrives. Kids go back to school, the breeze becomes cooler, and the smell of leaves is in the air. The autumn equinox is on September 23rd this year and this always requires a bit of adjustment, so this month we have two articles to energetically assist you during this transition.

Stephanie Tingle's " Aromatherapy for Autumn " teaches us how to combine crystals with scents for maximum benefit. From ideas that bring seasonal changes indoors, to helpful school year suggestions (like combining Lavender with Blue Calcite and Yellow Calcite to calm nerves), her article blends different therapies together to help us on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

In " Crystals for the Fall Equinox/Transitions " , our in-house astrologer Tara Mideaker gives some fantastic suggestions for crystals that can help each astrological sign with this seasonal transition.

This month, enter the code HCSEPT2015 for 10% off, plus a free Medium/Large Tumbled Mookaite Jasper with any order.

We hope you have a wonderful September and a peaceful beginning to the autumn season and its bountiful energy!

Warm crystal blessings from the staff of!

The Healing Crystals Team

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Aromatherapy for Autumn

By Stephanie Tingle


As autumn approaches, it brings with it shorter days and cooler nights. This makes it the perfect time to experiment with warming essential oils, such as cinnamon, clove, ginger, cardamom, and black pepper. One of my favorite combinations contains cassia (cinnamon), clove, and sweet orange essential oils. It just smells like autumn to me! You can diffuse this blend or add a few drops of each oil to an oil burner and let the scent fill your home. You can also mix these oils into a water-based spray. When doing this, I like to add some Moss Agate chips or small tumbled stones to the bottle. Moss Agate is a stone of rebirth, and is great to use during seasonal changes.

Autumn also means the start of the school year for those with school-aged children, or for those who recently returned to school as students or teachers. This can usher in seemingly endless rounds of colds and sniffles. Lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree, and lavender essential oils are naturally anti-bacterial and anti-viral, so stock up on these oils! An added bonus of keeping lavender oil on hand is that it is very calming and can help homework time go much more smoothly, especially when paired with Blue Calcite and Yellow Calcite . Try keeping your bottle of lavender oil in a dish of Amethyst chips or tumbled stones to keep it charged with extra healing energy.

Autumn is also a great time to work on grounding your energy. The energy of summer is very relaxed, but that can sometimes lead to a feeling of disorganization. Autumn is a great time to rein things back in and get projects underway. Try using a blend of lavender, Atlas cedarwood, and frankincense essential oils to bring in focus and motivation. I like to combine this blend with the energy of Fluorite , since it is great for helping to stay organized and mentally sharp.

I, for one, am looking forward to the promise of cooler weather and the calmer, more organized days…autumn is my favorite season!


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Crystals for the Fall Equinox/Transitions

By Tara Mideaker

The changing of seasons is an excellent time to look at ways that the Universe supports us during transitions.  Pluto is the Planet of Transformation and its energy can be extreme as it deals with matters of life, death, rebirth and the inevitability of change.  Ultimately, its purpose is to help us manage the process of change and let us see the benefits amidst the chaos.  The following are crystals to help each sign work with the energy of Pluto to discover your strength and ability to embrace change and make it your own! You can find more of our  zodiac cards and crystal information cards at this link .

Crystals to assist during transitions and transformations:

ARIES:Rhodonite prepares you and balances your actions so you don't shoot past your goal.

TAURUS:Stilbite strengthens your determination, but allows for valuable flexibility.

GEMINI:Snowflake Obsidian lets you be versatile without being distracted by obsessions.

CANCER:Yellow Jasper helps you retain your composure and enables you to let go.

LEO:Red Jasper lets you be creative and genuine without too much drama getting in the way.

VIRGO:White Jade lets you appreciate things as they are and eliminate the compulsion to fix everything.

LIBRA:Dalmatian Jasperhelps you maintain control and not sacrifice yourself for peace.

SCORPIO:Black Agate lets you manage your emotions to find the good, rather than focusing on darker thoughts.

SAGITTARIUS:Bronzite will help you extract what is beneficial and leave the rest behind on your new explorations.

CAPRICORN:Yellow Calcite lets you see how eliminating what is not working is in your best interest.

AQUARIUS:Ruby intensifies your new thought patterns, but keeps them from overpowering others.

PISCES:Golden Tiger Eye lets you consider the effects of your actions without getting lost in your thoughts.


Posted on September 07, 2015

  love it all!  (Submitted by: Lory on September 17, 2015)
  I have been learning about crystals for some years and I think this article today is very good. I put it in favorites to read it tomorrow. Now I am very tired.
Thank you
iris  (Submitted by: iris on September 16, 2015)

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