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October brings full-on autumnal weather for many of us. Brisk, sunny days and chilly nights abound as we edge our way closer to winter. The pace seems to slow a little and we spend more time indoors reading and watching movies. 

The first offering we have for you this month is "Our Fascination with Crystals, Rocks and Stones" by Sonia Acone. This is an informative, historical look at crystal use by various civilizations throughout the ages. Did you know that the earliest recorded data concerning crystals dates back to over 4000 BC?

Secondly, we give you Crystal Cosmopolitan's review of the new movie "Crystal Visions". If you follow us on any of our social media forums, you have probably heard us mention this amazing film that shares information about both the scientific and metaphysical properties of crystals. The review contains links to rent or purchase the film online; so grab a blanket, pop yourself a bowl of popcorn, and enjoy!

This month, please enjoy a special gift of a Tree Agate Keychain plus 10% off with any order. Simply enter the code HCOCT10 when you check out.

Crystal Blessings,
The Staff of




Our Fascination with Crystals, Rocks and Stones

By Sonia Acone

From the tiny grains of sand beneath your feet on a stretch of beach, to the giant Selenites that grow in Cueva de los Cristales (Cave of Crystals) near Chihuahua, Mexico; from the pebble you pick up in a creek bed while taking a walk, to the giant Preseli Bluestones that are part of Stonehenge in England, we as humans have always been fascinated by crystals, stones, rocks and minerals. It’s no wonder, since the majority of crystals, rocks and stones come from the very bedrock that makes up this planet we call home. So, in essence, we’ve been walking all over them for eons.

Mankind has been mesmerized by crystals for millennia. Their myriad colors, shapes, sizes and physical (as well as metaphysical) properties have caught our eye since the first peoples created petroglyphs on the walls of their caves. Who wouldn’t be drawn to the red sandstone canyons of Utah?

The earliest recorded data concerning crystals and their uses dates back to over 4000 BC, in which the ancient Sumerians used crystals and stones because of their belief that the stones contained magical powers. The ancient Egyptians used crystals such as Lapis Lazuli,ObsidianCarnelianMalachiteand Turquoise. Even then, these ancient peoples believed that Lapis had a connection to opening up spiritual “sight” so that they would be able to see the way to the afterlife. Today, many use it in much the same way, to open the Third Eye chakra to enhance psychic communication and a “second sight”.

Crystals have been a part of human civilization for millennia. The use of Jade has been found from ancient China and India over 5,000 years ago, to the Aztecs and Mayans. Crystals are mentioned over 200 times in the Bible and 12 were used to make up the breastplate of the High Priest.  Ancient Greeks named Quartz “crystal” from the Greek words for “ice” and “drop” because it looked like ice and was extremely hard.  Theophrastus (c. 371 – c. 287 BC) wrote a treatise called “On Stones” which classified crystals and rocks based on their behavior when heated, grouping them by common properties. It was followed by Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) penning his “Natural History” in which he wrote a vast amount regarding the properties of minerals and stones.

Along with the physical attributes that crystals and minerals possess came the legends, myths and magical lore regarding these treasures of the earth. They were (and are still) used in healing rituals; in burial services; in agriculture; in communicating with angels and higher spirits; for calling animal totems; for finding love and keeping it; for grounding and protection from negativity; for patience and study, and so much more. We use crystals in our technology and our homes. We wear crystals as symbols of love and friendship, passed down through generations. We are the caretakers of these remarkable treasures that our planet has given us. May they help us on our journey for millennia to come.


"Crystal Visions"

Review by Crystal Cosmopolitan

We are at a place in time when many of us are learning about the energy of crystals and how they can help us. Most of what we learn is found on the internet, books, or classes. It is rare to find a film that is solely based on crystals and their history as well as their future.

This beautifully produced movie with stunning visuals is a fascinating exploration of the scientific and spiritual aspects of healing with crystals. The movie is narrated from perspectives of several scientists and key figures in the crystal healing field, who explain different aspects of how we interact with the energy of crystals and show how it is possible to understand (and even measure) the effects of crystals on humans. 

We are given a brief history of crystal healing, from the Stone Age through today and the ways in which crystals are produced in the Earth.  We are then led through a beautiful old forest as one narrator shows us how he digs them out. Very soon after, we discover that he uses them in his work with clients using a biofeedback machine, where we observe the whole process and hear how it all works. 

If you have ever asked yourself how it is possible that stones affect us, and whether what you already know is all there is to know - you will find plenty of explanations and food for thought in this movie. I don't want to reveal too much, but suffice it to say that if you have a curious mind – it will be stimulated by the discussions presented in this movie. 

We also learn about  the four major factors that determine the effect of the stone, in terms of who should use it and how, and why even the most analytical crystal healing system, even when based on scientific principles, is a form of art. 

The conclusion of the movie is a deeply moving spiritual account of crystals known as the Earth Keepers, how they came into one narrator's life, what he does with them and what role they play in the evolution of life on our planet. Whether you feel you know very little -- or already quite a lot -- about crystals, "Crystal Visions" will enrich both your understanding and your intuitive abilities and encourage you to delve even deeper into working with these "ambassadors of eternity”. If you are at all interested in crystals, this movie is a must-see! 

You can purchase or rent the movie here:

Use this link if you want to get a DVD:

If you decide to purchase it, you will get tons of free gifts (bonuses) courtesy of -- us! :) 

Posted on October 22, 2015
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