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Inside this Issue November 2022 Newsletter

Hello to Thankful November

Can you believe it's already November! Before we blink again, the end of this year is upon us and this time of the year tends to be one that is so busy for many. It always reminds me to stop in the very beginning of this month and be thankful!

We all have good in our lives. It is often the little things that are the most important. It can be a kind word, a small act of service, or even just someone who listens to us when we need it. Generosity is one of the most important virtues because it helps us to give thanks for all the good that is in our life and of course, we can use crystals to amplify those feelings so we can be more generous with ourselves and others.

Our favorite crystal to cultivate gratitude is Hiddenite and we'll share more about this beautiful stone in our Crystal Talk Segment below.

Special Crystal Sales in November

Because we are immensely grateful for all of you rock-stars, we decided that every Friday in November, we’ll share a new sale to celebrate over at and in our Showroom! The holidays are around the corner and we have gifts for everyone on your shopping list, so make sure not to miss all the fun action this month.

Live Sales in November

A lot of our online customers have been asking to see specific crystals available in our Showroom instead of relying on the photos from our website, so this November our team will be doing something different for our Live Sales. We'll be bringing you directly into and around our Showroom for you to see what's available to purchase from the pieces shown.

Think of it like a Live Sale but this way everyone has the same opportunity to purchase exactly what they see, we don't need to run after anyone because they didn't follow-through on their claim, and you get to shop in the Showroom virtually wink

Current Crystal Favorites

Wreaths Tumbled Rainbow Moonstone Beeswax Candles
Super Seven Special Brandberg DT Points Green Aventurine Towers
Black Kyanite Witch's Brooms Rose Quartz Pyramid Wire Wrap Pendants

Visit our New Arrivals to see what we've recently unpacked wink

Amethyst is a natural stress reliever. The strong healing energy of Amethyst can transmute lower vibrations to higher frequencies, transforming negative energy to love energy. Many love keeping Amethyst Cathedrals in their healing room because it offers a wonderful peaceful energy for meditations. Amethyst Cathedrals
Brazilian Quartz Cluster Meet our Brazilian Clear Quartz Cluster Specimen and with its phenomenal vibration it's perfect for having to enhance and amplify the energy in your space. Clusters radiate their energies outward so they are able to provide an energizing atmosphere while also breaking up lower, stagnant energies.

Be first in line to hear about new items on the website, special discounts, events and more by signing up to our Special Offers Email List!
Click the button below to sign up

Posts Featured This Month

  • What are Andara "Crystals" and Do They Work? How to Explore Crystal Properties by Vivien from Crystal Surgery and Crystal Healing Techniques. Andara Crystals have been floating around for some time now and someone contacted Vivien who took a hands-on approach and got to explore. A super interesting YouTube you don't want to miss out on!
  • Crystal Talk: Hiddenite to support the energy of gratitude for our newsletter, we chose Hiddenite to represent the energy! Let's learn more about this gorgeous stone that most people forget about it because Kunzite usually steals the show.

Crystal Healing: What are Andara "Crystals" and Do They Work? How to Explore Crystal Properties

by Crystal Surgery and Crystal Healing Techniques (source)

A "crystal-like" substance is how this material is described on their website. By request of Esther in Australia, who sent this Andara crystal to Vivien, our two presenters explore the properties of this ... what is it? It is a form of glass. But, did you know that glass and Quartz share 75% of the same chemistry? Watch the video to find out what they discovered.


Vivien is the author of the award-winning, groundbreaking Crystal Healing textbook The Complete Guide to Crystal Surgery (2020). She spent 25 years on research and 7 years on documentation to deliver this download courtesy of both the Mineral Kingdom and the Spirit Realm. Vivien formally studied Clinical Psychology, and then the Alexander Technique. She got trained as a Healer directly by the Spirit Realm, who asked her to found both FourWinds Academy for the Healing Arts & Sciences and Crystal Surgery here on the earth plane. After 40 years in the field, Vivien has become an expert on the interaction and synergy of Body, Mind and Spirit.

Visit her WebsiteFacebookInstagram or YouTube.

Crystal Talk

Crystal Talk: Hiddenite

Hiddenite is a member of the Spodumene group. The crystals that form as pink or purple are called Kunzite; those that form as white or clear crystals are called Spodumene, and those that are green or yellowish are called Hiddenite. Read more about Spodumene and its Varieties here.

Hiddenite is a predominantly translucent to slightly opaque crystal that is pale apple to emerald green. This crystal, also known as green spodumene, may also be somewhat yellow. Hiddenite has a glassy luster and shine and often has long striations throughout.

Hiddenite is prized for its unique work with the Heart Chakra and has the wonderful characteristic of imparting the comprehension of unconditional love onto the owner. Holding or wearing Hiddenite close to the heart can release blockages of the Heart Chakra, thereby giving rise to a compelling desire to love simply for the sake of loving, without the need for power or control.

Meditating with Hiddenite can help one to achieve states of Universal Love and to pass these experiences on to others, without expectation. Meditation with this stone can also help to make or deepen a connection of love with our dear Mother Earth.

Working with Hiddenite can help remind us of our innate connection to the Divine, and in turn, elicit feelings of hope and of gratitude for all that is.

Hiddenite is a wonderful healing crystal, gently working on physical and emotional issues, including grief, and allowing for a rejuvenation of mind and body. Hiddenite also aids in overcoming addictions by the release of attachments through opening up the heart to hope and joy. The all-encompassing healing nature of Hiddenite assists in pushing out negative energies leaving room only for Divine Love.

Hiddenite works well with its cousins Spodumene and Kunzite, as well as many stones associated with the Heart Chakra such as Morganite, Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Aventurine, Emerald, Rhodonite, and Rhodochrosite.

Posted on November 01, 2022
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