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November is upon us, which brings the start of the holiday season for many of us. The holidays are a time of joy and cheer, but may also bring a bit of extra stress and tension. This month, we are offering two great articles to help you learn about crystals that can help keep you calm and stress-free.
The first article, "Do Crystals Really Work?" by Stephanie Arnold is an informative introduction to crystals for newcomers, as well as an in-depth look at how crystals work and why they are beneficial.
The second is "Calling Your Angels” by Sonia Acone. This article offers great tips and crystal suggestions for facilitating angelic communication and boosting intuition.
To help you stock up on great holiday gifts and stocking stuffers, our limited time special offer this month is 15% off for the week of November 23rd to November 30th. To take advantage of this offer, just enter the code HCTHANKS2015. You'll also receive a free surprise bonus gift with your order!
Crystal Blessings,
The Staff of Healing Crystals
Do Crystals Really Work?
By Stephanie Arnold
When first hearing about the healing abilities of crystals, often some of the first questions asked are, “Does it really work?” and “Can a crystal really heal me?” The answer to both of these is yes, but often we, as humans, need to have experiences with crystals ourselves to fully believe and understand them. It can be challenging to believe and fully comprehend things that not all people are able to see or feel, like the energy of crystals. This seemingly complex process of how crystals work can be easily explained in three sentences:
· Anything that you focus on or put your energy into expands.
· Energy follows intentions and thought.
· Crystals amplify intentions.
Our minds are our most powerful tool for directing the path we would like our lives to take. Whatever you choose to put your energy into, will flourish and grow. The flow of energy follows the intention of your thoughts. So whenever you have a positive thought, the energy will follow and create more positive things in your life. Likewise, the same is true for negative thoughts and intentions attracting more of the same. This makes the intention behind our thoughts and actions incredibly important.
Crystals can help us along our path of growth by amplifying the intentions we have. Our intentions and feelings are reflected in the human aura, or energy field. The energy of the aura is impacted by the unique energy of each crystal we hold within the aura. This is why holding the intention in your mind and heart while programming your crystals is so important. I like to hold every new crystal I acquire and set the intention for this crystal to work for the highest good of all around it and that it may be surrounded with luminescent white light, representative of the crystal being filled with positive, loving energy. You don’t have to actually see the light in order for this to work. Holding the intention with the power of your mind is enough.
Once you have your healing crystals, you may be wondering how exactly you can use these stones for healing. First, begin by selecting a crystal that resonates with you at the current moment. This may be one that you are attracted to by its appearance, one that you keep thinking about, or one that feels good to you when you touch it. You can also select a crystal based on an issue you would like to work on or a need you have. This list of Crystals for Common Conditions can get you started with choosing a crystal for a spiritual, emotional or physical concern. There aren’t any rules to choosing the stone you would like to work with. Basically, any stone that feels good to you is the right crystal for you right now.
Once you have selected the stone that you would like to work with, simply hold the crystal in your hand(s) and focus on what you want. This could be a goal that you hope to achieve, something you would like to overcome, or something you would like to attract into your life. Try introspectively looking at yourself and your life to determine what you would like more of and what you don’t like. Crystals are a great way to support any improvements you want to make within yourself or in your life. Hold the intention firmly in your mind and feel it throughout your heart and aura. Remember, the more energy you put into the intention, the more effective it will be.
Now that you have selected your crystal and have programmed it with your intentions, you can move on to working with the crystal in other ways. Carry the crystal with you in your pocket to feel the effects throughout your day. Try making gem water or an elixir with your crystal. Place several crystals around your space to energize the area around you. This is a great idea for your home, vehicle and place of work. Set up a crystal grid to reinforce the focus of your intention even further. For further reinforcement, place a photo or piece of paper with your objective under the center of the grid.
If you are still having a hard time wrapping your head around the idea of how the crystals are working, rest assured that even if you don’t fully understand how or why, the crystals are still working very hard for you. Even those that aren’t aware of the healing capabilities of crystals can benefit from their wonderful energy. I hope you enjoy working with and sharing the healing energy of crystals. Love and Light to you on your crystal journey! <3
Calling Your Angels: Crystal Angelic Communication
By Sonia Acone
We’ve all found ourselves asking (out loud or to ourselves) for assistance from the Universe from time to time, although many people may not even realize it at the time. For example, you’re on your way to a job interview and you say (or think), “Oh, please let me get this job.” Or in other situations you may find yourself saying, “Please let me pass this exam,” or “Keep my kids safe.” What we’ve been doing all along is calling on our angels for assistance or guidance. When you put a question or intention out into the Universe, the angels, which happen to be messengers and guides, hear your call for aid and are prepared to help. And, since angels are energetic beings and crystals are energetically-charged conduits, it stands to reason that using crystals to communicate with our angels is a match, well, made in Heaven, so to speak.
So, how do you communicate with the angels using crystals? Ask yourself this: do I want to speak with a particular angel (my guardian angel, an Archangel, or another angel that resonates with a particular issue/day/month/zodiac sign, etc.), or do I want to speak with, basically, any one of the angels who may help with my situation? You might want to learn your own guardian angel’s name and this is done by simply sitting quietly, clearing your mind, and just asking. You may get a picture in your mind, or a name or nothing at all...yet. Sometimes it takes a while, but you may get a “sign” a few hours or days later, where a certain name keeps popping up in your mind or you see that name written in numerous places over time.
Another method of finding your angel’s name is by writing down the letters of the alphabet on index cards or small pieces of paper, spreading them out and, using a pendulum, allow it to move over the letters. You may find that the letters are jumbled, so you might have to rearrange them.
Now that you have your angel’s name, and have that “warm and fuzzy” feeling of being safe and secure surrounded by hugging arms (admit it, you do!), you can start to communicate with your angel wherever and whenever you want. How cool is that? Of course, you can always just ask the angels in general for guidance and either way, you’re going to want to have some crystals on hand to help with your communication. Crystals are like sound waves or giant speaker systems that send our intentions/questions out into the Universe so that the angels can hear them better.
What crystals does one use and how? Clear Quartz crystals, especially spheres, are the most universal stones to use when communicating with the angelic realm. Just holding one in your hand, clearing your mind and stating your intention or question is all it takes. You can always carry (tumbled) or wear your crystals (jewelry) throughout the day. Some angels, such as the Archangels, resonate with certain crystals better than others. In addition to Clear Quartz, for example, Archangel Michael is associated with Agate, Amber, Herkimer Diamond, Imperial Topazand Rainbow Aura Quartz. For a list of crystals associated with more of the Archangels, see this series: https://www.healingcrystals.com/Crystals_and_Archangels___Series_Intro_Articles_1789.html. However, as a general rule of thumb, here is a list of crystals that can aide in angelic communication in no particular order:
By no means exhaustive, these crystals can better enhance your communication with higher realms. Use your intuition or “gut” feeling when choosing crystals, as some angels will actually choose them for you, giving you a bit of a nudge in the right direction. Whether you are holding the crystal in your hand or carrying it around in a pocket or purse, you can be sure that your angel is listening and guiding you. Blessings to you all!
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