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We are finally halfway through 2019 and I don't know about you but it's been a crazy ride for many of us so far. 2019 is showing that it's a year filled with many changes as well as better awareness around what is toxic and just not cutting it.

June is the month where we celebrate Father's Day, and I want to take a moment to hold space for our father figures: the men who support us, who have raised us, who are there for us and stand up for us even if they aren't related by blood. Thank you for honoring the Divine Masculine within and being part of our world.

This month we have two, awesome articles from Nicole Piper and Jenn Amptman! Nicole shares with us about the upcoming Summer Solstice and how we can celebrate the day with or without crystals. Jenn gets earthy and shares a beautiful grid that she created for World Environment Day.


What's happening in June at

Get 'em for $1 each this month: Our Crystal Information / Oracle Deck #2 and Soldering Your Own Crystal Pendants PDF eBook By Allison LaBarbera.

To welcome and celebrate the Summer Solstice, we are going to be having a 50% sale from June 17-30 on some of our favorite sunny crystals. You don't want to miss this, so mark your diaries!

Our Favorites on Sale:

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Featured Crystals

With Father's day happening this month, we are taking a look at our favorite crystals that celebrate the Divine Masculine, and remind us of our strength and roots.

Tumbled Petrified Wood Black Tourmaline Clusters Garnet Gemstone Chips

Petrified Wood - such a beautiful grounding crystal and there is something that is so nurturing about Petrified wood that reminds me of stability.

Black Tourmaline - while many love to work with Black Tourmaline, it does have a distinct masculine energy to me. It's that crystal you turn to when you need a little extra protection from negative vibes, reminding us that we have the ability to not keep negative energy in our hearts.

Garnet - the crystal that can bring courage and Garnet can quickly "light a fire" under you. It helps to bring those internalized ideas or feelings to the surface so that you can take action.

Creative Crystal Blessings,

Crystals for the Environment

Crystals for the Environment by Jenn Amptman

World Environment is celebrated every year on June 5 to promote awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Each year, the celebration is hosted by a different country and a specific theme is adopted to highlight one of the major environmental challenges we currently face. World Environment Day 2019 will be hosted by China and focusing on air pollution. They will be urging governments and communities to come together to explore renewable energy and green technologies to improve air quality across the world. 

I created a crystal grid for the environment with the intention to promote much needed healing. The grid base is the Fibonacci Sequence, nature's sacred code. I also included a statue of Gaia, dried sage, flowers, leaves and the following crystals:

  • Amethyst - Transmute energies, Calmness, Divine Connection, Alleviates geopathic stress  
  • Black Tourmaline - Purification, Cleansing, Protection
  • Tree Agate - Oneness, Appreciation of nature, Dissolves egoism & arrogance 
  • Chrysocolla - Peace, Gratitude, Kindness 
  • Rose Quartz - Love & Nurturance to the Earth 
  • Larimar - Earth healing, Connection to the ocean  
  • Moss Agate - Nature spirits & devas, Growth, New beginnings 
  • Shungite - Absorb & eliminates health hazards, Powerful healing
  • Halite - Cleansing, Purification, Rids air of pollutants & harmful EMFs 
  • Orbicular "Ocean" Jasper - Detoxification, Encourages empathy, Ocean energy
  • Clear Quartz Points - Amplification of energy & intention 

Any crystal can be used to promote Earth healing and radiate love. After all, they are magical gifts from our Mother. 


Many Mother Earth Blessings,
Jenn Amptman, CCH from Feather Spirit Healing

Litha – The Summer Solstice – Northern Hemisphere, Monday June 24 2019

Litha - Summer Solstice by Nicole Piper

The summer solstice, known also as Litha, is celebrated by modern pagans as the longest day of the year.

There is some quibbling about whether Litha was ever practiced by the ancients, but there is plenty of evidence that ancient people from agricultural areas across the world and from various religious persuasions celebrated midsummer (perhaps not Litha in name) in a variety of ways, mainly for the same reasons.

This is a day to celebrate the sun. The crops are growing, nature is in its full splendor, and the days are warm and seemingly unending. This is a time to honor balance between fire and water.

You can spend the day swimming and end it with a bonfire at night, along with various other traditions like hosting a barbecue (as we Pagans are known to do), spend some time at the beach, hike in the woods – anything that has you out in nature and enjoying the energy and beauty of the sun. It is a wonderful time for love magic and getting married or engaged (handfasting).

If you worship deities, this is a time to honor Ra and Horus (Egyptian), Lugh (Celtic), Baldur (Norse), Apollo and Hestia (Greek), and Juno (Roman) among other solar deities. If you're more into elementals, give an offering to the fairies or dragons!

You can incorporate crystals into your Litha celebration as well. Sunstone is an obvious choice, as well as Citrine, Tiger Eye, Carnelian, and Garnet.
One way to do this would be to choose a crystal that aligns with something you need help with, for example, if you have been feeling timid or unmotivated, you might grab a Tiger Eye, stand under the sun (use proper sun safety precautions please), and speak your intent out loud to the universe. If you're not one for theatrics, you might just wear a necklace or bracelet made from the appropriate crystal as you go about your day. Maybe there is a physical problem you could use help healing from or something you really, really want to make happen and need to use some manifestation magic – grab the appropriate crystal and head outside!
Another way to celebrate if the weather doesn't cooperate or if you can't spend as much time outside as you like, is to decorate like you would for any other holiday. Fresh flowers, baskets of fruit, ribbons and fabrics in reds, yellows, and oranges would all be appropriate, and you could burn some sandalwood or lavender incense. However you choose to celebrate this day, be sure to give thinks to the sun that brings us life and literally brightens our days.

Best Wishes,
Nicole Piper, from Sol Path Tarot and Crystal Magick


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Posted on June 07, 2019
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