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June often appears to be a quiet month marking the midway point of the year, but it is actually a month of celebrations. Last month we honored our mothers and people who serve their nation; this month we thank and acknowledge our fathers, as many countries celebrate Father’s Day during June. In the Northern Hemisphere, June also marks the actual beginning of summer which takes place on the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. It is the de facto beginning of summer as well, as the school year ends and summer vacations begin for families. This, of course, is a cause for joy and celebration for many students, teachers, and parents alike. Whatever your reason may be, June is certainly a month for transitioning and rejoicing.

In this edition of our newsletter, we feature articles by two of our crystal specialists focusing on both the Solstice and Father's Day. In "A Tribute to Father's Day", Stephanie Tingle, crystal healer and aromatherapist, offers us a number of crystal choices that feature strong, beneficial energy for our Fathers. Have you ever given your father a tie or power tools on Father's Day? Think about what he could do with some Black Onyx, Sapphire, or Green Tourmaline. These crystals not only look good, but they promote grounding energy and wisdom, characteristics which all fathers need to protect and raise their sons and daughters. Read Stephanie's article for more suggestions on crystals to support fathers below.

Our second article is about the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. Crystal Cosmopolitan, a crystal healer and crystal intuitive, explains the significance of this annual solar event and offers suggestions for a number of crystals to help you better enjoy the energies of this day. Since the sun is what puts the "sol" in "solstice," you may wish to review her suggestions for crystals to use in sun meditations and manifestations. The Sun's cool sister, the Moon, is also featured in the article, as Crystal Cosmopolitan helps you pick some crystals which can channel the Sun's reflected light through moon meditations and rituals.

Healing Crystals will feature a number of crystals on our website at special Solstice Sale prices, so if any of these crystals move you, please check us out here. As always, we wish you and yours the best in the coming month, and will see you soon as we kick off July with the proverbial bang.

Jim Boland

General Manager

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A Tribute to Father's Day

By Stephanie Tingle


In most countries around the world, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June each year.Mix - Tumbled Father's Day Mix - 2 Piece Set w/Pouch It originated here in America when Sonora Smart Dodd decided that fathers should have a designated holiday, just as mothers do. Mrs. Dodd and her five siblings were raised by their father, which I’m sure contributed to her admiration for him. Her idea was apparently not so popular with the fathers that she spoke with though, as they felt that they would essentially be paying for their own gifts for this crazy new holiday! Nonetheless, she persevered with her idea, going to local shops and government offices, as well as her local YMCA and churches to draw attention to her cause. Her idea was successful and on July 19, 1910 the first Father’s Day was celebrated. It has been celebrated since that date but it wasn’t until 1972 that then-President Richard Nixon signed a proclamation declaring Father’s Day to be a national holiday.

Traditional gifts for Father’s Day include socks, sweaters, or the ever popular necktie. This year, I’m choosing to celebrate Father’s Day by giving my dad one of our Mango Wood Bowls filled with our top ten crystals for men. He humors me about my crystal obsession and agrees that they are nice to look at. They will beautify his home while filling it with beneficial, healing energy. Onyx, Mahogany Obsidian, Green Tourmaline, and Hematite are grounding and protective; they will help him feel protected as he has protected others throughout his life. Turquoise helps promote heartfelt communication, which is essential in all relationships. Blue Sapphire is a stone of wisdom, and that in itself reminds me of my dad. Malachite and Lemon Quartz are healing and purifying, to help keep him physically healthy. Brecciated Jasper and Golden Tiger Eye will help fill him with optimism, strength, and vitality.

However you celebrate - as a father or a child or both - I wish you a Happy Father’s Day! I will leave you with a poem by Dinah Craik which I think suits this day perfectly.

Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.



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Summer Solstice and Crystals

By Crystal Cosmopolitan

An astronomical event that occurs twice every year, marking the beginning of Summer and the beginning of Winter, the Solstice is a time when the Sun is at the highest (Summer) and the lowest (Winter) yearly altitude as measured from the equator in the Northern Hemisphere. The word “solstice” comes from two Latin words—“sol” (Sun) and “sistere” (standstill) -- indicating that the Sun comes to a stop before reversing its direction. Along with the Spring and Fall Equinoxes, Solstices have been considered in many world’s traditions as the most spiritually powerful days in a calendar year. While it marks the astronomical beginning of Summer, in ancient traditions this time period was known as Midsummer and is celebrated throughout the world in very similar ways even today.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice occurs on the 21st of June, as the Sun leaves the astrological sign of Gemini and enters into Cancer. This longest day of the year is the day for celebrating the life-giving powers of the Sun, giving gratitude to the joys of life, and manifesting dreams into reality. What we began thinking about, planning, and working towards in Winter and Spring, is now ready to come to fruition. This is a great day to socialize with friends, to spend time in nature, to meditate or to make personal sacred rituals with the symbols representing the Sun (Fire, circles, color yellow), the symbols representing Moon (Water, wavy shapes, color blue) and the symbols that represent Love.

You may carry, wear, or make grids with some or all of the crystals discussed below.

Crystals for Sun meditations/rituals and manifestation

Citrine is considered to be one of the strongest manifestation crystals. It works to clear the blocks in the Solar Plexus chakra, connected to our willpower and self-esteem, but also chakras connected to security (Root) and creativity (Sacral). Holding/carrying/wearing Citrine assists in purifying channels through which we receive abundance.

Ruby brings out the vitality, passion, and enthusiasm for life to the forefront of our attention. It increases self-confidence and generates a “can-do” energy in those who wear/hold it. By attracting new opportunities to the person wearing it, Ruby works to strengthen one’s ability to meet life’s challenges with courage and determination.

Carnelian is a great crystal to use when one needs help to decide which direction or path to choose. Known as a stone of motivation, creativity, and joyful experiences, Carnelian also assists in synthesizing various points of view and taking steps towards success.

Imperial Topaz recharges our body/mind/soul by connecting us with the Divine Light. It renews one’s faith in one’s abilities, attracts beneficial energies, and assist’s one in becoming more charismatic and confident.

Crystals for Moon meditations/rituals and fertility

Moonstone is a great crystal for invoking goddesses and deepening intuitive abilities. While it is a stone of new beginnings, it is a stone that encourages being open to receive as opposed to taking action. Its calming energy relaxes our whole being and makes us more open to notice synchronistic events in our lives.

Blue Lace Agate is a nurturing stone that opens one up to receiving spiritual messages that are for one’s highest good. It diminishes fear of speaking up and gently supports sensitive souls in expressing their personal truth.

Chrysocolla is associated with goddess energies and empowerment for both men and women. A receptive stone, it assists in perceiving the lessons of our life and builds confidence in expressing ourselves. It is especially related to healing through sound.

Crystals for Love meditations/rituals

Rose Quartz opens the heart up for accepting self-love and paves a way for successful love relationships by cleansing the old emotional patterns that may have prevented full expression of love. It is a stone that releases worry and stabilizes the heart, helping one become more love-centered in their thoughts and actions.

Morganite supports the heart by bringing joy and an increased sense of self-confidence in emotional matters. It is also a wonderful stone to connect with the energy of the Divine and develop trust in one’s life path.

Kunzite is an excellent high-vibrational stone for those who find it hard to meditate or to receive intuitive messages. It is a great crystal for those who wish to feel good in their own skin, no matter where they are. It dispels negativity from one’s aura and releases blocks to love in whatever shape they are present in one’s body/mind/soul.

Pink Calcite supports our physical heart and strengthens our connection with our emotions, making it a great stone for those who do not easily connect with their emotions or have a hard time expressing them. This gentle stone can be displayed around the home for creating a relaxing and peaceful environment.

If you feel drawn to other or additional crystals to use in creating your own personal rituals or symbols, listen to your intuition. The above list is merely a set of suggestions to get you started on your path of developing your own ways to celebrate all the blessings that life has to offer.




Posted on June 11, 2013

  Hi Jim, Love the June newsletter. Very well written articles. Gave me great ideas for some gifts I am looking for. I will be ordering again soon. Thanks so much. Donna  (Submitted by: Donna on June 14, 2013)

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