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July 2017 Newsletter


Summer seems to be flying by. August is almost upon us and that means it’s almost back to school time. But before we slide into that, here’s a reminder that our Christmas in July Sale is going on now until July 31st! Use coupon code YULEJULY20 for 20% off your purchase at

We have three articles this month, the first of which is “Back to School Buddies.” This is a compilation of two articles from Stephanie Arnold and Debbie Elaine, giving us suggestions for crystals that can help with the “back to school” transition from Pre-K through college. In our second article, “Finding Your Animal Totem”, Jeannie Vos offers a free quiz to find out how to identify our animal totems. Rachael Marie Shaffer in “Working with Oracle Cards”, offers crystal suggestions that help when using oracle card decks. Enjoy!

-The Healing Crystals Staff

Now, on to our newsletter...

Back to School Buddies

Yikes! It’s almost ‘that time of year’ again - back to school. But never fear - the superhero crystals are here to help both parents and kids get back in the swing of it. Each new school year can bring with it new routines, new challenges, and new things to learn and enjoy. Crystals and their energy can be helpful allies for this transitional time of year. 

Kids can take their crystals to school with them in the form of tumbled stones kept in a pouch in their backpacks or perhaps or as a pendant, so the crystals can do their work without becoming a distraction or an issue while at school.  Crystal key chains can be a functional way to take the energy to school. They can be clipped to backpacks or pencil cases. Older students with lockers might hang the key chains in their locker to be a touchstone between classes. 

Here are some school challenges and crystals that can help:

Separation AnxietyRose Quartz can be soothing for separation anxiety (this applies to both Mom and little one!) and helping keep that “I’m loved” feeling throughout the day.

DisorganizationFluorite can assist with clearing out clutter and finding routines that encourage organization. Fluorite is also a wonderful aid for concentration during class.

ShynessBlue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli and Amazonite can be helpful for finding their voice and sharing their thoughts in and out of class.

Making Friends:  Green Aventurine has a loving, calming, nurturing, yet happy energy that allows us to appreciate ourselves and others (who wouldn’t want a friend like that?).

Grounding/ProtectionHematite (for teens, not younger children) and Red Jasper (all ages) can help ground and center children and adults, making them less vulnerable to energy attacks and bullies.

Autism:  Sugilite, Chrysocolla, and Lapis Lazuli  have been found helpful for those with autism.  Black Tourmaline can also help ground and protect children with autism who may be overly energy-sensitive in a crowded school setting.

ADD/ADHD:  Many people have found Moonstone helpful for students (and adults!) who struggle with this.  Selenite and Sodalite may also offer a calming presence.

Energy-Sensitive Children:  For those who are overwhelmed by all the constantly fluctuating energies of the school environment, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, and Garnet can help ground and protect them, allowing them to concentrate more comfortably on their schoolwork.

Here are some crystal suggestions for those going off to college, perhaps for the first time:

Charoite helps to relieve the loneliness and homesick feelings.

Rose Quartz can remind the student of the unconditional love at home and a piece next to the bed can create a calming, loving atmosphere in their dorm room.

Black Tourmaline, for releasing negative feelings, paired with Lepidolite for its calming, relaxing energy, will remind you that everything will be alright and relieve stress and anxiety.

Selenite under the pillow can help provide a more restful night’s sleep.

Iolite encourages you to take responsibility for yourself, helping you to become less dependent on your parents.

Green Fluorite and Malachite can for help being more focused and observant in class and for processing and comprehending challenging subjects. Definitely a must-have stone for any grad student too.

Emerald promotes new friendships and healthy relationships. Wearing a piece of this crystal as a pendant is a great way to keep it with you.

Fluorite and Moss Agate are useful for strengthening the immune system and fighting off bacteria and viruses that can get you sick.

-References: “Back to School with Crystals”By Debbie Elaine, and “Pack Your Crystals When You Head Off to College!” By Stephanie Arnold                 



Finding Your Animal Totem

By Jeannie Vos

According to one of our expert consultants, Jeannie Vos, “One of the most popular questions on my Facebook Animal Totem page is, ‘How do I meet my animal totem?’ There are a couple of ways you can accomplish this!  One is that you can take a Free Animal Totem Quiz to discover which animals are likely your totems.”  

You can find an Animal Totem Quiz here:

Another way to meet your animal totem is to have an animal totem session with me, as I am an animal totem medium and clairvoyant and I offer a variety of totem session choices. 

To learn more about animal totems or to schedule an animal totem session with Jeannie, go to her consultant page here:



Working with Oracle Cards

By Rachael Marie Shaffer

If you have more than one oracle card deck, you can use them in tandem to receive insightful guidance and wisdom. I like to work with cards in threes for divination, receiving information from how the cards relate to each other. The cards pictured are from three separate decks. Depending on the inquiry, one may see in this spread that a romantic interest is actually a past life connection, and that it would be a good idea to reach out to him/her.

I may recommend the following vibrational tools to the querent:

Mangano Calcitecan help boost self-esteem and compassion.

Lapis Lazuliwill stimulate the Third Eye Chakra, aiding in past life recall, and resonates with truth and enlightenment.

Amazonitewill help you speak your truth from your heart.

Also, a hand-made essential oil blend of Blood Orange and Bergamot (to give a happy, sunny vibe and help lift off any defensive energy), Rosemary (to stimulate memory), and Lavender (to destress and aid in expression of emotions). Get your essential oils here:

I may also play a singing bowl that resonates with the Third Eye Chakra.

Visit my consultant page to schedule a free 15 minute consultation:

Warmest Wishes,


*Cards pictured are from Doreen Virtue’s Past Life and Angel Dreams decks and John Holland’s Psychic Tarot deck

Posted on July 27, 2017
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