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Happy New Year Everyone!
The start of a new year is always a wonderful time to make changes in your life, and we have two crystal-themed articles to help you reach your goals!
Achieving Goals with Candles and Crystalsby Lourdes Lebron is a great place to start. She lays out how to use these metaphysical tools to make your goals into a reality. Want less stress in the New Year? Try combining Lavender Candles with Amethyst. Better health? Eucalyptus Candles and Carnelian are the way to go.
Speaking of health, it can be easy to work so hard towards a new goal that you neglect your health. Especially considering the colder weather and numerous people encountered during the holiday season. If good health is one of your priorities, check out Sonia Acone’s Let’s Drink to Your Health! Making Simple Crystal Elixirs. She’ll make creating and using crystal elixirs easy to understand and apply in your life.
With all of our newsletters we give out a special code and gift; this month it’s our Animal Totem Crystal Card Deck! If you’d like this free gift added to your order, just use the code HCDECK2017 before checkout!
Best wishes for you this New Year from the HC team!
Achieving Goals with Candles and Crystals
By Lourdes Lebron
When people think of candles, one of the first thoughts that comes to mind is using them to set an atmosphere, not setting an energetic intention. Combining crystals and candles can enhance energy work, and increase the vibrations being sent forth. Candles work with the power of stones to manifest goals and bring intentions to fruition.
Before starting any work with candles or crystals, I like to clean them of any negative energy they may have collected. You can Reiki them, run them under cold water, put them in moonlight, or pass them through incense. Once the candles are clean and dry (when using water let them dry for a day or two away from direct sunlight) they will be ready for use. The following is a list of goals, and how you can use candles with crystals to create the reality you desire.
Take an Unscented Soy Wax Candle and lightly coat it in a clockwise fashion with cinnamon oil. As you go around the Soy Wax Candle with the oil think of your intention. Feel it in your body. If you don’t have cinnamon oil, spread powdered cinnamon on the bottom of the candle holder. Infuse eight crystals consisting of Carnelian, Citrine, and Amber with your goal. On a sunny Sunday morning, light the candle (where the sunshine can hit it) and place the crystals around the candle in a circular fashion. As you do this, focus on the success you wish to have. If possible let the candle stay lit for an hour or more. Continue doing this all week or until your candle burns out. Afterwards, take the crystals and place them in your pocket to continue carrying the energy of the crystals and your intention with you.
One of the best ways to work towards increasing abundance is to create a grid. The best day for abundance energy is Thursday, particularly during a new moon. Use a Jasmine Soy Wax Candle as the center of this grid. Before establishing the grid, hold the candle in your hands and infuse it with your intention. Gather Citrine and Clear Quartz tumbled stones, and imagine filling them with your goals and dreams. Then place the Citrine crystals around the candle holder with the Clear Quartz an inch away from the Citrine, surrounding them in circular pattern. Light the Soy Wax Candle and imagine the flame spreading out and filling each crystal. As the fire expands through the crystal, picture it moving beyond the space into the world, carrying your intention out to the universe. Do this for approximately 5-20 minutes every day for a week.
Light a Sandalwood Soy Wax Candle. Place a piece of Tree Agate in each hand and inhale the candle's scent. With each breath in, imagine the veins (lines in your crystal), going through your arms. At the torso they extend down. With each breath imagine them being pushed further into the earth. Continue doing this until you feel the lines pushing through your feet into the ground, reaching the hot core of the planet. Once you have reached the core, feel that Tree Agate's veins (lines) have become your roots – and as you inhale, you are now pulling earth energy up to your body. The energy shoots up through your roots into your body and you feel firmly planted in the earth. You are breathing in deep green energy, and your body feels alive and strong. This flow of earth energy should continue for at least 5 minutes. Once you feel well and balanced, you can start slowly moving your hands, feet, and body. You should feel grounded and balanced.
Stress Reducer:
A wonderful way to relax is to light a scented Lavender Soy Wax Candle when you take a bath or shower. Place some Amethyst crystals in your bath water. If you can add a drop or two of Lavender-scented oil, that would also help. Soak in the water for 5-10 minutes and let the fragrance seep into your body. If you don’t have time for a bath, place your soap on a large piece of Amethyst or surround your dry soap with Amethyst and Lepidolite crystals for up to 20 minutes. Let their energy flow into the soap and imagine it washing away the stress as you shower or bathe.
Most people think that love has to be romantic in nature; but what about loving yourself? To do this you will need a Rose Soy Wax Candle and Rose Quartz Crystals. On a Friday night take some time to yourself and light the candle. Sit quietly and hold the Rose Quartz in your dominant hand over your heart chakra. While quietly sitting and breathing, imagine pink light going into your heart chakra from the crystal. Imagine the light spreading from that energy center through your whole self, forming a bubble around your body. The pink light infuses your body with love and compassion. Breathe in the pink light, and as you breathe out imagine all the unwanted emotions, feelings, and energies harbored within in your body leaving. As the breath leaves the body it becomes transmuted into pink sparkles that float around your aura. Do this for five minutes. Once you are done, imagine a pink root going from your body into the earth. Thank the crystal for its help and let it recharge for the next couple of days.
When you come down with a cold or flu and need to get better as soon as possible, using candles and crystals may help give you the edge over your illness. The first thing to do is to light a Eucalyptus Soy Wax Candle. This scent has anti-viral properties which will start working its way through your nasal and sinus cavities. The next step is to use Carnelian to boost your immune system. If you have time to rest, place the Carnelian on your Thymus gland (approx. 2-3 inches above your heart chakra). If not, wear a pendant, necklace, or earrings that contain Carnelian to keep increasing the energetic flow to improve your resistance. At night place an Amethyst under your pillow to aid in improving your vibrational health.
Psychic Abilities:
Opening and increasing psychic abilities is something many of us strive for. An easy way to do this is to concentrate on relaxing – which is something most of us don’t do. To start, light a Vanilla Soy Wax Candle. Holding a Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, or Iolite in one or both hands would be helpful. Just look at the flame and breathe, focusing on the Vanilla scent. As you watch the fire flicker, feel the flame as limber energy flowing through you. If a thought comes into your mind that is fine, let it go, and continue to breathe. Initially, do this 5 minutes a day and work up to 15 minutes (time permitting). After learning how to relax, ask yourself one question that you would like to receive guidance on during the session. Depending on how stressed you are, it may take as short as a week, to as long as a month to start noticing that you are receiving information. Don’t force this process; it will come in its own time. The goal of this exercise is to let you relax enough to let information in. The information we seek is usually within us, but we are too tied up in knots to recognize it. By unwinding we are able to receive the guidance inside of us.
Neroli Soy Wax Candles, along with Sunstones, can help cultivate more of this delightful emotion in your life. When using Neroli for joy, using an orange-colored candle holder will increase the energetic output of your goal. Carving a picture of the sun into your candle (while feeling joy) will infuse the candle with your intention. You can carve the candle with a long pin, nail, or even a pumpkin carver. Once this is done, place the candle in the candle holder. Collect four Sunstones and four terminated Clear Quartz Points. Infuse them with the intention to bring more joy into your life. Place the Sunstones in a North, South, East, and Westerly direction, next to your candle holder. Place the terminated points half-an-inch from the Sunstone in the same directions. Imagine the scent of the candles traveling through the candle into the Sunstones and out to the terminated points where they then travel out of your space into the world. You are now broadcasting your intention to bring more joy into your life. Sit back, breathe in the scent, and let the energy flow. Leave the candle burning for approximately 20 minutes a day. Every day when you light the candle envision a sense of joy enveloping you.
Restful Sleep:
We all need good sleep, and Chamomile and Amber Soy Wax Candles can help us. Light a Chamomile or Amber Soy Wax Candle, breathing in the scent and focusing on relaxing the body. Take 5-10 minutes to unwind from your day. Have Blue Lace Agate and Blue Calcite in your pockets, or if that is not convenient place them next to your candle. About an hour before you go to sleep, drink some Chamomile tea. While you sip your tea, imagine relaxation flowing down your throat into your torso and limbs. Once you finish the tea, place the candle in the room where you will sleep. Before going to bed snuff the candle out and the let the scent take you back to the few minutes of relaxation you had after lighting the candle and drinking the tea.
Dugan, Ellen. Book of Witchery. Woodbury, Llewellyn, 2009
Let’s Drink to Your Health! Making Simple Crystal Elixirs
By Sonia Acone
Since all crystals contain energy in the vibrations they give off, wouldn’t it be great if you could store that energy and just drink it in? Well, you can by making your own crystal elixir and drinking in all that wonderful, healing energy. Perhaps you’ve heard of crystal remedies, gem remedies and the like. They are all the same. And making your own is quite simple. You don’t need a host of expensive supplies. All that is really required is your intent, a glass bowl, some water and your desired crystal. Some add a bit of brandy or vodka, but we’ll get into that later.
Choosing Crystals
With so many choices out there, how is one to choose the right crystal? Do you need some energy in your life? Are you running yourself ragged and need to unwind? Do you suffer from insomnia? Is your concentration failing? Do you need bit more of a creative spark? Is there too much negativity in your life? There are crystals that can be used to alleviate these symptoms and more. A word of caution: crystal elixirs are not meant to replace any medications that you may need to take for medical reasons. There are also crystals that should not be used in elixirs, specifically those that contain harmful substances, such as lead, mercury, arsenic or aluminum. Check this list if you’re unsure about the crystal you want to use - https://www.healingcrystals.com/Crystal_Cautions_Articles_1009.html.
Some common crystals used in crystal elixirs are as follows:
Clear Quartz Crystal – An all-purpose healing crystal.
Rose Quartz – Alleviates emotional problems, increases love and compassion.
Green Aventurine – Relaxes and soothes the heart.
Malachite – Puts physical, spiritual and emotional body in harmony. Grounding. Caution: Because Malachite contains copper, it is best to place this crystal on the outside of the container.
Fluorite – Alleviates bone/joint/tooth pain; aides concentration; anti-viral.
Amethyst – Relieves mental stress, insomnia.
Amazonite – Balances metabolism.
Amber – Alleviates throat problems; antibiotic.
Bloodstone – Aides in releasing emotional stagnation; heals blood disorders.
Citrine – Mental clarity; energizes the body.
Blue Lace Agate – Soothes and relaxes the body; aides in peaceful sleep.
Making the Elixir
Simple Elixir – Place a cleansed crystal in a glass bowl. Fill the bowl with spring, distilled or filtered water. Place the bowl in direct sunlight for at least 2 hours. Note: if using Amethyst, charge by moonlight overnight instead. Pour the half the water into a dark-colored bottle (preferably with a dropper) and add brandy or vodka to fill the bottle. The alcohol acts as a preservative. The elixir can be added to bathwater, placed on chakra points, or placed in a sprayer bottle to spray a room.
So there you have it. Simple elixirs to balance mind, body and spirit. Here’s to your health!
The Essential Guide to Crystals. Simon & Sue Lilly, 2010.
Crystals. Jennie Harding, 2007.
The Crystal Bible. Judy Hall, 2003.
The Crystal Healer. Philip Permutt, 2007.
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