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We've come to the end of another year, and it's time to celebrate the holidays! Whether the spirit in the air fills you with joy or brings more stress than you'd like, we have some crystal articles and suggestions to help you finish off the year on a high note.

If you're interested in astrology, take a look at Tara's article Astrology Crystals for the Holidays. It gives a crystal suggestion to help each zodiac sign find joy in the season, along with a quick explanation of why that crystal was chosen. 

When you want (or need) to de-stress before you can appreciate the holidays, Lourdes' Crystals for Peace, Relaxation, and Stress Release is just what you need! With a varieity of crystal suggestions and ways to use them there is sure to be something that can help you find harmony amidst chaos. 

Depending on how much holiday shopping you've done,  you may want to check out our new showrooms for that special holiday gift - either for someone you love or yourself! They will be open Saturday the 10th from 10-5, and Sunday the 11th from 12-5. We will also be open on Saturday the 17th from 10-5, and Sunday the 18th, from 12-5. 

If you can't make it to our showrooms, don't forget you can always shop online! Use the code HCDEC2016 for 15% off of your order and a free Ruby and Fuchsite! 

Happy Holidays!

Astrology Crystals for the Holidays

By Tara Mideaker

One of the most effective methods for stress relief is a positive memory – like the kind that many of us have from the holiday season!  Here are Crystals to help you recall the joy of the season (and none of the stress!). The Crystals are listed by Zodiac sign and match the personality of each sign with an element of the holidays.  But be sure to read all of them because - just like the holidays - Crystals are universal in their ability to bring joy.

ARIES would love to be dashing through the snow, so use White Aventurine to keep your cool.

TAURUS enjoys the bouquet of a rich Evergreen Tree.  Moss Agate can mimic its beauty and endurance.

GEMINI loves to share and discuss the legends and lore of the holidays.  Sodalite will enable you to combine fact with imagination for the most engaging tales.

CANCERdelights in the traditions formed around the home and hearth.  Ruby in Kyanite will remind you of the warmth of family and friends.

LEO wants to light up the parties and lead the pageantry of the holidays.  Smokey Quartz can keep up with your energy.

VIRGO is ready to assist when it's time to set the table, wrap each gift uniquely and place each decoration in the perfect place. Green Fluorite energizes your ability to provide order with love.

LIBRA connects to the multi-colored swirl of a candy cane and other holiday goodies.  Use Mangano (Pink) Calcite for that sensation of sweetness and light.

SCORPIO appreciates the mystery of miracles, wrapped packages, and other holiday surprises.  Labradorite will keep you entranced with the many flashes that are hidden beneath the exterior.

SAGITTARIUS knows that being silly is a sure way to bring in light and love!  A walking dreidel, a singing ornament, or your favorite holiday TV special will bring a giggle to your day.  Peach Quartz will encourage you to find some fun!

CAPRICORN appreciates the traditions of the holidays with its focus on the important things, like recognition of home and family, hope for a joyous future and a good meal!  Malachite puts the heart in these warm memories.

AQUARIUS embraces the spirituality of the holidays.  It is that special mix of faith and substance that we celebrate annually, but keep in our hearts daily.   Seraphinite will let you feel that peace.

PISCES is especially connected to the holiday season with the whimsical atmosphere and many moments where dreams come true.  Fuchsite will renew your belief in the magic.


Crystals for Peace, Relaxation, and Stress Release

By Lourdes Lebron

One of the most popular requests people have when searching for healing crystals is to find one that can bring peace, relax the mind, ease tension in the body, and soothe the soul. Fortunately, many crystals have vibrations that encourage tranquility and a more relaxed state of mind. This article lists crystals that aid in bringing about a more serene sense of being, followed by tips on how to use the crystals and other tools that can encourage a more peaceful state of mind.

Abalone – helps soothe nerves.

Amethyst – works well to help release the tight knots at the base of the skull that result in tension headaches.

Aventurine – enhances meditation and finding inner peace.

Blue Lace Agate– aids in releasing tension in the body when feeling “highly strung".

Blue Calcite – works well to “calm” a racing heartbeat.

Blue Chalcedony – vibrations bring peace into the energetic bodies.

Dumortierite – relieves fears that may be at the root of nervousness.

Imperial Topaz – great for those “butterflies” in your stomach before exams, giving speeches, or when doing anything new and/or unexpected.

Larimar– great for alleviating moodiness or feelings of impending “doom”.

Lepidolite – excellent for difficulty sleeping when thoughts keep going round and round in the head.

Lithium Quartz- aids in the release of stress or anxiety.

Magnesite – deals/disperses/deflects the energy of irritability that can come with extra sensitivity.

Sugilite – helps release emotional fears that keep us tied up in stressful knots.


Wearing crystal jewelry is an easy and effective way to receive the energy of these crystals. Using them as bracelets on your non dominant hand will let you receive the vibrations quickly. Necklaces, pendants and earrings will also aid in bringing continuous crystal vibes into your energy field.

Carrying the crystals in your pocket, purse, or briefcase allows the energy to flow into your aura when not wearing them as jewelry. Even placing these crystals in your car can bring a sense of “well being” to your commute.

At the work place, taping these crystals to the bottom of a chair is another way of letting the energy permeate your energy systems without displaying the crystals in public. If this is not possible, taping a picture of one these crystals is also helpful. For a more visible option, try placing them on a bowl on top of your work space.

Having a picture of one of the crystals or a group of them as a screen saver also promotes the flow of energy to you throughout the day.

Charging water with crystals and drinking it throughout the day can also bring a more peaceful sense consistently throughout the day.

At night, these crystals can be placed under your pillow so that the aura has a chance to recharge with crystal vibrations at night. If using them under your pillow isn’t possible, place them under your mattress or on a night stand.

Crystal grids are fantastic ways of sending crystal energy to a specific goal. We have grid kits available on our site too! 

Besides crystals, many scents like Lavender, Sandalwood, and Chamomile can encourage a tranquil atmosphere. These scents can be burned as candles, used in oil diffusers or in body lotions and creams. Drinking teas made with Rose petals, Lavender flowers, and Linden tea leaves may leave you relaxed and feeling serene. Yin yoga, meditation, gardening, walking, and exercising are all practices which help to release built up tension that may have accumulated throughout the day. Working with other healing modalities like Reiki, can bring much needed relief too. The best thing to do is to combine different therapies that build upon each other.

A final note: there may come a time when the stress has taken a hold of you and doesn’t want to let go even after trying everything above. When this happens, combining crystal work with allopathic medicine can bring the relief you need.


Gienger, Michael. Crystal Power, Crystal Healing. London: Cassell Illustrated, 2005.

Gienger, Michael. The Healing Crystal First Aid Manual. Forress: Earthdancer A Findhorn Press Imprint, 2008.

Kennedy, Teresa. Gems of Wisdom, Gems of Power. New York: Marlowe & Company, 2007.

Simmons, Robert and Naisha Ahsian.  The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach.  East Montpelier: Heaven & Earth Publishing LLC, 2005.

Posted on December 08, 2016

  Great article!! There are several stones listed for stress relief. A few crystals mentioned are not, as of yet, in my collection.  (Submitted by: Curtis Hamilton on December 10, 2016)
    (Submitted by: Jennifer B on December 09, 2016)

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