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Hello everyone, one more year is behind us! Did you have a chance to make a balance? Did you count all your victories, small and big, and all your blessings? And how about those things you still want to change so you can live your best life?

In her article “Crystals To Help With New Year Resolutions”, Debbie Elaine offers great suggestions on using affirmations and crystals to help you not only set your goals, but follow through, so that this year becomes your best year yet. Her ideas will help you identify an area in your life you most want to improve, and then use an appropriate affirmation and an accompanying crystal that will strengthen your resolve. I particularly liked that she offered specific steps on how to work with crystals to achieve this. Following her advice--for instance, using Carnelian for motivation or Rhodochrosite for building a positive self-image--you’ll be able to have touchstones that remind you of what you truly want and need.

Susan Jolley’s article “Spiritual Laws” presents an interesting look at the world’s religions. If we look at what they have in common, we might notice a set of Universal Laws or principles that guide our wellbeing. Susan briefly discusses those twelve Universal Laws and offers a crystal that might best support the qualities and intentions connected to them. For instance, the ideas behind the Law of Balance, which advises developing inner peace, can be supported by Hematite. Putting dreams into action, which is the central notion for the Law of Action, by Citrine. Take a look at all twelve and you’ll notice how you already incorporate them in your life and how you can further strengthen your connection to them.

To help you prepare for the new year ahead we have a special offer.. When you use the code, HCNEWYEAR, you will receive, 10% off plus a free Med/Large White Agate and Green Velvetten pouch with neckstring.

May crystals help you on your path in this New Year and may it be the best one yet where you’ll develop even further your unlimited potential for happiness, health, and joy.

The Healing Crystals Team

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Crystals to Help with New Year Resolutions

By Debbie Elaine


It’s that time of year again - the end of one year and beginning of the next - making January the perfect time to dump those things in life that no longer serve our highest good, while starting some new habits that will help us be better versions of ourselves in the new year. It’s “New Year Resolution Time”!

Whether you dutifully make and try to keep your resolutions each year, or you run screaming in the opposite direction when anyone brings up the subject, there’s probably room for some growth here. I am by no means an expert on the subject, but I have learned a few things over the years, and adding crystals to the process makes it more colorful, more fun and, for me at least, a more successful endeavor. Here at Healing Crystals, we’re all about helping people find balance and harmony in their life with the assistance of crystal healing. So let’s look at a few things and a few crystals to help make 2014 the type of year you want it to be.

First, pick one or two things you really want to embrace for your life. I’m a big believer in “moving towards” success rather than “turning from” failure. It’s a little paradigm shift, but it seems to make a huge difference. So, if you want to lose weight, for example, instead of making your resolution “I’m giving up baked goods and candy”, make it “I enjoy eating the healthiest foods possible each day.” Make it short and simple. Something you can use as a mantra when the old habits try to take you down. Amethyst is one of my favorite crystals for making wise decisions and achieving the calm and balance that allows us to break free from addictions to harmful things and habits. If you are looking to start an exercise routine to help with weight loss and general health, Carnelian and Sunstone can help with motivation (Really, I once picked up a piece of Carnelian and heard, “You need to get more exercise.” There’s something humbling about something that doesn’t even move saying you need to exercise). A good affirmation for this might be “I exercise daily because I value my health.”

Perhaps your resolutions are more spiritual in nature. If you’d like to work more prayer or meditation into your routine, crystals like Seraphinite, Celestite and Selenite are wonderful for receiving Divine wisdom. You can sit near them while you pray or meditate, or hold them and look into them to help you focus.

Maybe 2014 is going to be the year for you to heal or clear some things that have been holding you back for too long. Black Obsidian can help break free of destructive patterns and move forward. Vesuvianite (aka: Idocrase) can help bring buried emotions to the surface for healing and Rhodochrosite helps with healing emotional wounds and encouraging a more positive self-image.

Whatever your goals are for 2014, writing them down in short, clearly stated affirmations and carrying those affirmations with you can really help. The difference between an affirmation and a goal is that the goal is something you WILL do. The affirmation is stated as if you have already achieved it, and that helps you connect to the energy of manifestation—it already is happening in your thoughts, so you can manifest it into reality. Some examples are “I only eat healthy foods that fuel my mind and body.” Or “I exercise daily because I value my health” or “I make decisions that honor me and others.”

Once you have your affirmations written down, you might want to make a copy and put it under a crystal such as a Quartz Tower, or whatever other crystal you have that you feel will work for you. For more effectiveness, as you set this up, hold the crystal in your hands and imagine what it feels like to already be living the way that affirmation says you live. Holding that energy in your heart, repeat your affirmation to the crystal several times and then place it on the paper. You can do this each day or whenever you feel it is needed to keep the crystal energized with your intention.

Be kind to yourself as you work towards change. It takes a while to integrate new thoughts and patterns into your life. If the change doesn't happen in January, or you slide back into old ways by March, so what? Each month has a first day, and so does each week for that matter. You don't have to wait until the first day of the year to start again. Stick with it and you'll get there eventually!

My wish for you in 2014 is that you will be free from those things that no longer serve your highest good and that you will walk confidently and joyfully in the Divine light that shines in you and from you. Blessings and Happy New Year.



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Spiritual/Universal Laws

By Susan Jolley

Have you ever noticed that all the major religions of the world have a set of governing rules to abide by? Whether it is Christianity’s Ten Commandments, Buddhism’s Four Noble Truths, Islam’s Pillars of Islam, Paganism’s Wiccan Creed, or any other religion’s laws, there is a worldwide pattern of spiritual beliefs to live by. Furthermore, if you look closely at these beliefs you’ll find they all propose similar ideas of compassion, balance, and action.

Such spiritual beliefs have been known and recorded many ways, and are best described as Universal Laws. According to these Universal Laws, the Universe operates on a specific set of principles. These principles direct how the Universe works, the movement of the Earth, cyclic seasons and the forces of nature. They also point to the innate intelligence and order of the Universe. It is appropriate then that those who follow the Universal laws tend to find prosperity and fulfillment in their lives; they are, after all, going with the flow of the Universe. Those who ignore or resist these laws tend to experience difficulties that will teach them on their journey of awakening, so one day they will have peace in their enlightenment.

Law 1 – The Law of Balance is to find the middle. That place of inner power and peace where the ups and downs have little to no effect on you. Hematite’s grounding, balancing, and healing capabilities will help you develop balance.

Law 2 – The Law of Choices means to reclaim your power. Trust your intuition, not fear, to lead you in making the right choice, then follow through with action. Ametrine unites the physical and metaphysical realms, bringing intuitive insights into your daily life.

Law 3 – The Law of Process means taking life step by step. In order to manifest your vision, develop a plan that moves you forward one step at a time. Skipping steps leads to failure. Red Jasper strengthens your determination so you can move forward steadily even when you want to jump ahead.

Law 4 – The Law of Presence means living moment to moment. Past and future does not exist. You cannot live in any moment except the present, the now, and this moment. Carnelian is a stabilizing stone which helps to anchor you in the present

Law 5 – The Law of Compassion means awakening your humanity. This starts with self-forgiveness, then recognizing that we are all doing the best we can, with the knowledge we have, at this moment in time. Rhodocrosite instills compassion in us for ourselves and the world around us.

Law 6 – The Law of Faith means trusting in Spirit. Faith is the recognition that Spirit works in, as, and through us for our highest good and for the highest good of the whole, despite what the circumstances appear to be. Use Rutilated Quartz to connect with Spirit and recognize when Spirit is acting through you.

Law 7 – The Law of Expectation is about expanding your reality by looking deep inside to uncover your belief system, because that system is what creates your reality. Your beliefs determine your expectations and they determine what you see and experience. Fluorite is an excellent learning aid; heightening mental abilities, assisting in rapid organization, and processing of information. It brings mental clarity.

Law 8 – The Law of Integrity means living our authentic self. It is not about being perfect; it is about doing what is right even when no one is around, and leading by example. Apophyllite helps you understand who you truly are and release blocks which inhibit your spiritual growth.

Law 9 – The Law of Action means stepping into your life. This is a continuation of the Law of Choices. Dreams will only become reality when you apply action to them. You have to take that first step. Citrine will help you take the actions necessary to manifest your dreams.

Law 10 – The Law of Cycles is about attuning yourself to the cycles and rhythms of nature. Seasons change, tides rise and fall, day turns into night and so on. Change happens and you can’t stop it. Life will be easier when you are in harmony and attuned to these cycles. Moss Agate connects you with nature.

Law 11 – The Law of Surrender means to embrace a Higher Will. It means accepting whatever arises, owning your responses and getting out of your own way in order to live in accordance with the Higher Will. Surrendering starts with changing your perspective. Blue Chalcedony opens the mind to accept and assimilate new ideas and new situations.

Law 12 – The Law of Unity means all living things are connected to one another and to Spirit. What you do to another person, an animal, a plant or any living thing, you do to yourself and to Spirit. We are all one, and Kunzite reminds us to live from a place of unconditional love.



Hall, Judy. The Encyclopedia of Crystals. Beverly: Fair Winds Press, 2006. Print.

Millman, Dan. The Laws of Spirit: Simple, Powerful Truths for Making Life Work. California: H J Kramer Inc., 1995. Print.

Posted on December 13, 2013
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