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August, or Ahhhhhhhgust as some parents refer to it, is the month when many students head back to school. This month we will focus on that topic and the crystals that can help ease this transition for parents, teachers, and students.
Our first article is "Back to School with Crystals", by Debbie Elaine. Debbie, who is a school teacher in addition to being a crystal expert, gives great suggestions for helpful crystals, as well as easy, convenient ways to use them. Debbie suggests Calcite for memory and learning, and Selenite to help ease the anxiety that sometimes comes with starting a new grade or meeting new people. Be sure to check out this helpful article!
Are you ready to learn more about crystals but don't know where to start? Check out our "Beginner's Guide to Working with Crystals" by Stephanie Arnold. This three-part series contains tons of great information about choosing and using crystals. And the best part? No homework!
We also have an extra special back-to-school discount for you this month.Enter the code HCBACKTOSCHOOL15 10% off your order, plus a free surprise!
Warm crystal blessings from the staff of HealingCrystals.com!
The Healing Crystals Team
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Back to School with Crystals
By Debbie Elaine
"Back to School" is a phrase that causes mixed reactions among those who hear it.Each new school year can bring with it new routines, new challenges, and new things to enjoy.Crystals and their energy can be helpful allies for this transitional time of year.First,let me state that I am not a doctor and cannot prescribe treatments. My recommendations are based on my experiences and the experiences of others when working with crystals, students, and energy healing.
Depending on your child's age and school, you may want to have the crystal energy available to them at home only, or as a Pendant so the crystals can do their work without becoming a distraction or an issue while at school.Crystal key chains can be a functional way to take the energy to school. They can be clipped to backpacks or pencil cases. Older students with lockers might hang the key chains in their locker to be a touchstone between classes. For students comfortable answering questions from curious friends and teachers, our Crystal Oracle Cards make great book marks for texts or can be tucked into pencil cases or book bags.
For students who are beginning the year in school for the first time, Rose Quartz can be soothing for separation anxiety (this applies to both Mom and little one!) and helping keep that "I'm loved" feeling throughout the day.A piece of Amethyst or Blue Lace Agate by their bed can help reduce the "Night-Before" jitters and allow for a better night's sleep before the big day. They are also wonderful to use as weekends and vacations end throughout the year.
As it is so good for memory and learning,Calcite is known as THE crystal for students. Place them where your child does their homework. Holding the crystals while reading can give fidgety hands something to do while delivering positive Calcite energy (Calcite absorbs negative energy when used, so remember to clear it if you sense it isn't working as well).
If "Back to School" means difficulty with back to bedtime and back to struggling to get teens up in the morning, banning electronics from the bedroom and starting calming routines about an hour before bedtime can make mornings happier for everyone. Teens have so much social stress in addition to school stress, that this might be a good time to help your teen pick out a crystal that attracts them, then teach them how to meditate before bed each night (you could start this at an earlier age, too). Holding a piece of Selenite and picturing their stress of the day going into the crystal to be transmuted into light is an easy beginner meditation that will help develop healthy stress management habits they can keep throughout life. And when they still haven't gotten enough sleep, some Citrine or Sunstone charged water in the morning may help them get moving, in a much healthier way than drinks and breakfast foods that may be high in sugar.
Some other challenges school can present include:
Disorganization: Let Fluorite assist with clearing out clutter and finding routines that encourage organization.
Shyness: Blue Lace Agate and Amazonitecan be helpful for finding their voice and sharing their thoughts in and out of class.
Making Friends: Green Aventurinehas a loving, calming, nurturing yet happy energy that allows us to appreciate ourselves and others (who wouldn't want a friend like that?).
Grounding/Protection : Hematite (for teens, not younger children) and Red Jasper (all ages) can help ground and center children and adults,making them less vulnerable to energy attacks and bullies.
Autism: Sugilite has been found helpful for those with autism.In my experience, children with autism can be very attracted to crystals.Black Tourmalinecan also help ground and protect children with autism who may be overly energy sensitive in a crowded school setting.
ADD/ADHD: Many people have found Moonstone helpful for students (and adults!) who struggle with this. A friend of mine who taught students with this issue put a few pieces of it around her classroom and found it helped settle the students into a calmer, more focused routine.
Energy-Sensitive Children: For those who are overwhelmed by all the constantly fluctuating energies of the school environment, Black Tourmaline,Black Obsidian,and Garnet can help ground and protect them, allowing them to concentrate more comfortably on their schoolwork.
Finally, one thing to keep in mind when using crystals with children is that the smaller/younger the child, the more sensitive to energy they are likely to be. Fewer and smaller crystals are better for young children-keeping them in their environment instead of on their body also works. Adolescents and young adults can handle wearing larger and often even multiple crystals. This is also an excellent time to begin teaching them how to clear and charge their crystals, and to notice if a crystal feels right for them, or if it is too strong and makes them feel spacey. And, as much of the world is still not open to the joys of working with crystals, help them to be prepared to politely respond to those who are curious or judgmental.
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Beginner's Guide to Working with Crystals
By Stephanie Arnold
Part 1: The Basics - How to Select Your Crystals and How to Care For Them
Congratulations on beginning your crystal journey! I hope you enjoy working with crystals and experiencing how they can enhance and improve your life. Crystals have been used by people for thousands of years. There are over 200 references in the Bible about crystals and they were an integral part of biblical life, including the twelve stones on the breastplate of the High Priest Aaron. Ancient Egyptians used Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot and other crystals in their jewelry and other adornments. Roman soldiers even carried Tiger Eye to encourage bravery in battle.
All living things have energy. And flowers, plants and trees are no different. And just as certain crystals are used to heal certain physical ailments in the body or aid in easing a troubled mind, there are certain crystals that can be used to make your garden more productive, healthy, and beautiful.
When looking at the vast rainbow of different crystals, it can be difficult to decide which crystals you should take home. The best way to choose crystals is by allowing your intuition to guide you. Look at the photos of crystals online or peruse a crystal store and see which crystals attract your attention. Sometimes it may be that you can't take your eyes off of one or once you touch one, you can't put it down. Maybe you keep looking at the same type of crystals every time you browse. If you are having trouble deciding, some good starter crystals are Clear Quartz , Amethyst , Rose Quartz and/or Green Aventurine..You will also find that the stones you are drawn to will change over time as you evolve. Get out there and have fun trying out all of the different crystals!
There is no right or wrong combination of crystals to carry as long as it works for you. Each person is at a different place in their spiritual journey and has a unique combination of crystals that they are drawn to. Enjoy experimenting and see what feels the best for you. I choose a different combination of crystals to carry every day! Please be aware that some crystals give off a lot of energy and some are very helpful at detoxing the body. When toxins are released into the body, they can have an adverse effect on us as our body is cleaning itself. Occasionally, crystals can make you feel uncomfortable, anxious, lightheaded or even nauseous. If this occurs, you should try using the crystal for only small intervals of time while you adjust to the energy, or remove it all together and try it again at a later date. You may also consider a more gentle crystal of similar energy.
Over time, crystals can become tired (having a weaker overall energy) and pick up negative energies from the environment around them. Because of this, you will need to periodically clear the energy of the crystals. There are many ways to do this including smudging (passing crystals through smoke of burning incense, like Sage, Sweetgrass or Palo Santo), burying them overnight in sea salt or brown rice, holding them under running water, and using sound (like a tuning fork or certain music). Be careful not to use water or abrasive methods on softer, more fragile crystals, like Calcite Most importantly, when clearing your crystals hold the intention that you are removing negativity and restoring the crystal's energy.
Even if you clear the energy regularly, crystals will need to be recharged periodically to restore their full energetic potential. Some common ways to recharge your crystals are by burying them in a garden, placing them on top of a crystal cluster, or by placing them in the sunlight/moonlight. I find that most crystals have a way that works best for them. Carnelian , Sunstone and Citrine love to spend time in the sunlight;Rhodonite and Rose Quartz love to be among the greenery and flowers in the garden or buried in the ground. Moonlight will restore Moonstone and Amethyst .Be careful because softer or fragile crystals shouldn't be buried and some crystals, like Amethyst, can fade in the Sun. If your crystals become physically dirty on the outside, you can clean most crystals with lukewarm water and a mild soap, using a soft toothbrush for any crevices. Again, be careful with fragile and soft crystals to avoid damage! If a crystal becomes exhausted or has completed its task, sometimes they will break or can even disappear for a while, so it's important to give your crystals a rest occasionally. Once your crystals are recharged and happy, you can enjoy their company again
I hope you enjoy selecting and working with your new crystals. Love, Light and Crystal Blessings to you!
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