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Healing Crystals April 2018 Newsletter

Welcome to spring! We have two articles this month from members of our Phenacite Team; Ashley Leavy, the founder & Educational Director at Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy gives us an in-depth look at the “Healing Properties of Labradorite”; and Nicole Piper, from Sol Path Tarot and Crystal Reiki: who, in her article “Crystals for Kids” tells us the crystals her sons chose, which incidentally happened to be just what they needed.

We also have a special gift for you this month: a Medium Tumbled Sunstone Free with any order.

Spring Blessings from the team at HealingCrystals!

Now, on to our newsletter...


Healing Properties of Labradorite

By Ashley Leavy

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Labradorite: “You have the ability to achieve (or exceed!) your life goals by following your soul path and listening to your inner guidance.”

Common Healing Properties of Labradorite:

  • Enhances protection
  • Dispels negative energies
  • Helps you to form personal boundaries
  • Facilitates past life ascension or regression
  • Assists astral travel
  • Aids you in accessing the Akashic records and other esoteric knowledge
  • Balances the energy of the physical body with the etheric body
  • Increases conscious awareness
  • Facilitates intuitive development and psychic powers
  • Dispels fears
  • Increases faith
  • Strengthens trust
  • Facilitates mystical experiences
  • Stimulates the imagination and creativity
  • Removes illusion
  • Aids in acts of magic
  • Reveals the truth in any situation
  • Connects you with the Divine energy of the universe
  • Brings companionship
  • Treats symptoms of the common cold
  • Relieves arthritis pain
  • Regulates hormones
  • Can lower blood pressure by assisting with stress reduction

Colors: Light or dark gray with flashes of blue, yellow, green, gold, orange, pink, or purple

Associated Chakras: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)

Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius

Elements: Water, Air

Companion Flowers: Hemerocallis (Daylily)

Companion Essential Oil: Neroli (Orange Blossom)

Companion StoneRainbow Moonstone

Common Origins: Madagascar, Canada, Finland

Notes: The flash of color displayed in this stone is known as Labradoresence.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!

Mimosa Manager Cathy Douglas had this to share:

Labradorite has a lot in common with Moonstone: both are feldspars sharing the same basic makeup (Ca, Na)(Al, Si)4O8), and both show a distinctive, often-bluish inner shine that results when light reflects back from the inner planes of feldspar. But its darker color gives Labradorite a highly spiritual quality, so that people going through spiritual awakening or development often find themselves irresistibly attracted to it.

Safety note:Please don’t use Labradorite to make elixirs, since it contains aluminum.

Ashley Leavy is the founder & Educational Director at Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy



Crystals for Kids

By Nicole Piper

Sol Path Tarot and Crystal Reiki:


On a recent trip to one of my favorite crystal shops, I had my boys in tow, ages 7 and 9. I did my usual thing where I grab a basket and start ransacking the crystals bins, and my kids asked if they could get something. That's when it occurred to me that my house was full of crystals, like, I have crystals spread out on all flat surfaces of my home - but they were all mine. None of them were technically chosen or cared for by my kids, and I thought, why not? I preach the benefits of crystals all the time; I'm missing this huge opportunity to get my kids involved in this from a young age so that it's second nature to them as they are growing up. So, I told them, yes, they could each choose one thing. It was sort of an experiment for me to see what they would choose and to figure out why they were drawn to that particular crystal, and the result was, as I expected and much to my delight, they both chose crystals that had properties pertaining to problems/issues they were currently experiencing.

My youngest suffers from night terrors, and he chose a Brown Striped Jasper sphere. Brown Striped Jasper happens to be known as "the supreme nurturer" stone, promoting tranquility and support during stressful times. It's also effective at banishing nightmares.  My oldest chose a huge chunk of Snowflake Obsidian, which helps keep you centered and focused and is a very effective grounding stone. He happens to suffer from flightiness and has difficulty maintaining attention and focus, especially in regard to school work. 

It was so amazing to see them drawn to these stones that could help them, with no prompting on my part. I really believe that most kids are very "in tune" with themselves and with the energies of these stones. A lot of them haven't been blocked by stress or anxiety or worry like us adults, therefore they can easily pick up the energy of crystals and have a sense of what to use them for. If you are thinking of getting your kids into crystals, maybe let them choose for themselves and then see which properties of those crystals may have called to them!

Posted on April 12, 2018
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