I am aware of green apophylite crystal, I would like to know if I purchase this crystal will it protect me from my enemies. I also would
like to know if it will cleanse me and make me at peace. How do I use this crystal? Why does it heal people? I truly don't understand.
Will it cure estranged relationships, and if so how...........I have heard so much about healing crystals...It sounds to good to be true...
I would appreciate any honest response through my e-mail address....
Good Morning Rosa,
I am more than happy to assist you with your questions. What I can do is share with you, what is true for me, as well as some articles that may assist you in some of your questions. Sound ok?
Green Apophyllite is a lovely crystal! What a wonderful first choice :)
Green Apophyllite is a high energy vibration crystal. What this means is that the energy held by the Green Apophyllite will blend with your own energy and raise it up to a higher frequency.
It is similar to this example: If you are having a bad day and feel down and out, you may do something that makes you happy--laugh, think of someone you love, etc. You can notice a distinct difference in how you feel when you do these things. You find that you do not feel down anymore. The happy things have lifted your energy up :)
A crystal like Green Apophyllite will do the same thing. It will raise your energy up.
The energy of Green Apophyllite works its best in the area of the heart, meaning, that it shows you that in effect, you have no enemies :) It fills your heart with love, forgiveness and understanding. It shows you that those around you and those you come in contact with are part and parcel of the same love source. Green Apophyllite also carries the energy of Christ Consciousness which reminds us to "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." Instead, Green Apophyllite helps the holder (you) to send love to those who are trying to hurt you and others. Green Apophyllite also removes the fear that there are enemies out there. Once the fear is removed, the perceived "enemies" will disappear as well :)
Will Green Apophyllite cleanse you and give you peace? Absolutely! When holding Green Apophyllite, you will be in that space of higher energy. This helps the healing energies to infuse into your own energy field, which can bring about cleansing and peace.
There are a few ways in which you can use this crystal. The idea is to infuse your own energy field with the energy of the crystal (which is where the healing aspects come in). You can simply hold the crystal while sitting quietly. You can place the crystal under your pillow or on a nightstand while you sleep. You can wear the crystal in a pouch around your neck or put it in your pocket to keep with you during the day. You can even lay quietly and place the crystal right on your heart.
You may not be able to "feel" the energy as such, lots of folks can't. But do not let that undermine the power of the energy that is being given to you from the crystal. Trust and have faith :)
There are some articles on the HealingCrystals.com website that may be of help to you. Once specifically deals with healing with crystals. I think you may find that very helpful.
You may also want to take a look at this page, which includes some of the books we highly recommend:
I hope this has helped a bit to understand about the crystal you have chosen. Of course, please feel free to email anytime with any questions you may have.
We are here to assist :)
with love and crystal blessings,