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Green Apophyllite crystals are pale to medium green. They can be transparent to translucent, and many are as clear as glass. Green Apophyllite can be shaped like either a four-sided pyramid or a cube when the pyramid doesn't completely form. Green Apophyllite was first discovered by a farmer in Poona, India but in recent years has been found in other locations in India, as well as the Jeffrey Mine in Quebec, Canada and Brazil. While Apophyllite is not a member of the Zeolite family, it is frequently found as a secondary crystal to Zeolites such as Stilbite.

Green Apophyllite cleanses and balances the Heart Chakra energy. It brings clarity to decisions and situations of the heart by allowing the holder to see all sides of the issue, untainted by fear or ego.

Green Apophyllite can assist in the “letting go” of issues that no longer serve and allow the act of forgiveness and healing. It will balance the emotions with a gentle, loving energy and enhance spiritual growth.

Green Apophyllite can also be used to connect with the energies of Mother Earth and nature. It opens a psychic channel, which can be used for communications with plant, animal, fairy and elemental energy. Use Green Apophyllite when working with Earth healing.

Physically, Green Apophyllite aids in degenerative disease and diseases of the tissues. It helps to remove toxins from the body, be it physical or emotional and aids in the recovery from illness. Use Green Apophyllite when creating any type of healing environment.


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Physical and Metaphysical Properties for
Crystal Name:Green Apophyllite
Affirmation:I am balanced.
Question:Do you make decisions based on your head or your heart?
Astrological Sign:Gemini (May 21 to June 20), Libra (September 23 to October 22)
Primary Chakra:Heart Chakra
Location:Brazil, Canada, India
Rarity:Quite Uncommon
Mineral Class:Silicates Mineral Class
Crystal System:Tetragonal Crystal System
Hardness:4.5 to 5 Hardness
Numerical Vibration:Number 4, Number 6
Chemical Composition:(K,Na)Ca4Si8O20(F,OH) 8H2O, Hydrated Potassium Calcium Sodium Silicate Fluoride Hydroxide
Physical:Detoxifying, Health and Healing, Tissue Health and Healing
Emotional:Emotional Balance, Emotional Healing, Forgiveness, Letting Go
Spiritual:Balance, Clarity, Connecting to Mother Earth, Devic/Nature Realm Communication and Connection, Earth Healing, Heart Chakra
Extra Grade:Beautiful green color, transparent, no matrix
A Grade:Very clear partially transparent, <10% matrix
B Grade:Cloudy, translucent and/or >10% matrix
Reference 1:

Posted on March 13, 2013
  As a newcomer to the entire field of crystals, I found this article extremely helpful in making a decision to purchase this. I really need it for a number of reasons, but having DDD is a big one. This article is very well written and I look forward to the monthly newsletter!  (Submitted by: bethrocks on December 10, 2015)

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