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Gemma Harwood from Vine Astrology is a volunteer for Healing Crystals' and assists us by contributing high quality content about the Moon Phases (Full & New) as well as Astrology and Tarot.



Gemma Harwood

Hi I’m Gemma, an Astrologer and article contributor for Healing Crystals’ social media. I hold a diploma in Astrology, with a distinction in both Natal and Mundane Astrological work and I’m a member of the APAI (the Association of Professional Astrologers International). I’m passionate about Astrology, nature, our environment, truth and love. My view is that both healing and spiritual growth begin with understanding oneself and others and that viewing ourselves and our situations through Astrology charts is one of the most insightful and helpful ways of achieving much deeper levels of perception (in both current and past circumstances and of future opportunities) that can aid us on our paths. Please get in touch on one of the following media links if you’d like to know more or make an appointment.

Gemma Harwood Bsc DMS Astrol MAPAI


Social Media Links:

Website: Vine Astrology


Skype: Vine Astrology (for long distance readings)

Facebook: VineAstrology

Twitter: @vineastrology

Instagram: @vineastrology



Offering readings for: Interpersonal Relationships (romance, marriage, family, friends, colleagues), Annual Forecasting to prepare for 12 months of life in planetary transits, Understanding drives and subconscious urges of oneself and others through the charts, Choosing dates for your big events with Astrology, progression through self empowerment and healing with Astrology, Life Path reports and understanding and working through 'difficult phases’ with Astrology.

Other work: Writing (articles and forecasts), Research (please get in touch for more information), Mundane & Natal Interpretation, Progressions, Lunar phases, Eclipses, Solar arcs and more.


NOTE: Gemma is a member of the Healing Crystals Phenacite Club. To learn more about the Healing Crystals Phenacite Club, clickhere.

Posted on July 04, 2018
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