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It probably goes without saying that no crystal should be used in lieu of the sound, professional advice of a physician. That said, there are any number of crystals that can be used to alleviate some of the side effects, pain or illness that can accompany cancer symptoms. There are even those crystals that can reduce that sense of unimaginable fear that almost always seems to take over at the first utterance of that word, “cancer”. Also, bear in mind that there is no right or wrong way to use these stones. If you don't feel comfortable using them on the chakras, perhaps you'd rather wear them or carry them in a pocket or purse. Simply putting a crystal on a part of the body that is in pain can make a wealth of difference. 
The list of crystals commonly associated with cancer support is by no means exhaustive. Different types of cancer may be helped by crystals associated with the part of the body affected with that type of cancer. For example, bone cancers may benefit from crystals such as Calcite (yellow) or Azurite, while Leukemia (affecting the blood) can be helped with the aide of Indian Bloodstone or Hematite. So, do some research and add other crystals that help those specific areas of the body.
The crystals being discussed for this article are Rose Quartz, Sugilite, Watermelon Tourmaline, Purple Fluorite and Rhodocrosite.
Rose Quartz, a lovely pale pink crystal, is associated with the element of Earth and, since it a stone of love, the planet Venus. It can be used to “open up” the heart chakra, thus bringing a sense of peace and calm. Rose Quartz can be held when emotional stress becomes too overwhelming. Place a piece under the pillow to improve sleep. Recharging this crystal is as simple as running it under water.

 Sugilite is a deep purple or violet stone that instills a sense of optimism. Acting somewhat like an electrical conductor, Sugilite directs energy to parts of the body that are blocked and removes those energy blockages. Continued illness or stress can benefit from this stone as it realigns the system. Sugilite is ruled by the Air element and the planet Jupiter. It is used on the crown chakra and can be helpful for cleansing the pituitary, adrenal and pineal glands. Recharge Sugilite by placing it in a soft cloth along with a piece of Amethyst.

 Watermelon Tourmaline is an amazing dual-colored crystal consisting of an outer band of deep green surrounding a pink center, much like the fruit for which it was named. Like other tourmalines, watermelon tourmaline is piezoelectric, which means that when it is squeezed, each end becomes electrically charged. And, because it has dual energies (projective-outward-male, and receptive-inward-female), it is often worn or carried to balance these energies throughout the body. This variety of tourmaline is ruled by the elements of Water and Fire and the planets Venus and Mars. Place a piece of Watermelon Tourmaline on the heart chakra to balance out its energy. It is often used to calm fear and anxiety and increase relaxation. Recharge this crystal by placing it on a windowsill at twilight.

 Purple Fluorite is a lovely translucent purple crystal that is governed by the element of Water and the planet Neptune. It rules the brow or crown chakras, thus easing headaches, bringing a more restful sleep, and clarifying thought patterns. It is often used to heal the sinuses, throat and ears. Purple Fluorite restores the body's resistance to illness and can be especially helpful when used in conjunction with Jade (Nephrite) to bring healing support for chronic, long-term illnesses. Simply run it under water to recharge.

 Rhodocrosite is another dual-colored crystal, which is a deep, rosy pink with white or paler pink banding. Ruled by Fire and the planet Mars, it is a powerful healing crystal that detoxifies the blood and liver. Rhodocrosite also brings about an air of self-confidence when you are faced with new or difficult situations. When placed over the Heart or Solar Plexus chakras, it will rebalance the nervous system. Pass the crystal through rose-scented incense to recharge and cleanse.

When dealing with cancer and the multitude of debilitating aspects, both emotional and physical, there is no right or wrong concerning which crystals to choose. Personally, I say the more the merrier. If you are overwhelmed by the choices and really have no clear direction, take pause, sit quietly and ask the Universe to guide you. Often, the stones will seek you out, either as a gift from someone or by making themselves “known” to you in a shop, etc. A piece of clear Quartz crystal will also help if that is all you have. I truly hope that this article brings some peace and a sense of relief to those who sought information. Blessings.
Healing Crystals Expert

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Posted on February 15, 2011
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