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"Crystals for the Heart Chakra"
By Crystal CAT
The next in our series of chakra articles is on the Heart Chakra. Located at the direct center of the chest, this chakra sits in the middle of all the chakras and deals with one’s ability to love the self and others. It sends energy to the thymus and governs the lungs, heart, and circulatory system. The Heart Chakra’s corresponding planet is Venus, its metal is copper, its colors are green and pink, and its musical note is F. The Heart Chakra is connected to the astral body, and is responsible for one’s compassion, trust, forgiveness, and self-love. Those with a perfectly functioning Heart Chakra generally have a knowledge that they live in a friendly universe rather than a hostile one, and carry the knowledge that they are enveloped in Universal Love.
A correctly functioning Heart Chakra is evident in someone who carries a healthy self-love, balanced with a concern for all life. Living in the physical world requires a certain amount of “special” love, but by understanding universal love, one can deal with relationships at a more mature level. The balanced Heart Chakra shows as an ability to live and let live in peace and harmony, while maintaining a healthy amount of detachment from certain things or ideas. Not only does your chakra connect you to others, but it also connects you to the entire universe. The Heart Chakra also encourages us to be honest with ourselves and to live from the Heart Center.
A Heart Chakra that is too open will manifest as an unhealthy lack of boundaries in relationships, specifically, going too fast with a relationship before it has a chance to develop correctly. It can also show up as a simple inability to form healthy relationships or as a tendency to emotionally abuse those we love. The Heart Chakra that is closed contributes to an attitude of indifference, coldness, mistrust, and/or callousness. Those with a closed Heart Chakra have a tendency to avoid relationships in general and have trouble socializing. They remain isolated from lack of energy in the Heart Chakra. An unbalanced or closed Heart Chakra can ultimately lead to physical ailments such as heart problems, respiratory issues, and high or low blood pressure.
Since the color of the Heart Chakra can be green or pink, one can generally choose any of these colored stones to work with this chakra. Crystals to be used with the Heart Chakra can include the following:
Green Aventurine (healing)
Emerald (opening)
Jade (balancing)
Rose Quartz (healing and opening)
Lithium Quartz (balancing, activating and healing)
Chrome Diopside (healing and opening)
Ruby (opening and activating)
Peridot (awakening)
Green Kyanite (connects third-eye to heart)
Green Tourmaline (opening and activating)
Rose Quartz is the stone favored by most people for work with the Heart Chakra. Rose Quartz has a gentle and loving vibration for opening and healing the Heart Chakra. Rose Quartz can help those who have been through traumatic breakups, and have lost the desire to connect with anyone again. Placing Rose Quartz on the Heart Chakra can bring a peaceful comfort to the heart. Soothing during an emotional crisis, Rose Quartz is the quintessential Heart-Healer.
Green Aventurine is another Heart Chakra Healer, although its energy is a bit stronger than that of Rose Quartz. Green Aventurine sends its energy through the Heart Chakra out into all the areas of the body for an overall, general healing effect. By healing the Heart Chakra, Green Aventurine brings calm, well-being. Crystal healers use Green Aventurine at the Heart Chakra to heal the thymus and to help with malignant growths.
Emerald works with the Heart Chakra to open it up to higher energies coming in from the Third-Eye and Crown Chakras. Emerald can heal physical illness resulting from an imbalance in the Heart Chakra such as diabetes and rheumatism. By opening the Heart Chakra, one can attract true friendship and love. Emerald can help people in recovery from physical and emotional issues.
Lithium Quartz can gently activate all of the chakras, but is especially attentive to the Heart Chakra. Sending loving energy to the Heart Chakra, Lithium Quartz can gently open and balance this center, facilitating great emotional healing and bringing an understanding of unconditional love. Placing Lithium Quartz on the Heart Chakra can open the Heart to help one in releasing attachment to specific outcomes and recognizing the Divine will behind any unanswered prayers. Lithium Quartz can also be a wonderful aid to those who rely on pharmaceuticals for relief from depression or anxiety, helping to reduce the dose or frequency of such medications, with a doctor‘s supervision of course.
Chrome Diopside is a wonderful Heart Chakra healer and opener which has profound effects on those who work with it. Diopside brings a powerful green ray vibration that helps to heal fissures in this chakra. It connects the Heart Chakra to the higher Third-Eye and Crown Chakras for integration of spiritual vibrations into the center of one’s being. Placing a piece of Diopside on the Heart Chakra during meditation can help bring insights to greatly assist one in reaching their potential. Physically, Diopside can help with respiratory issues and blood pressure.
Ruby is a powerful heart stone, opening and activating the heart chakra. A powerful heart healer, Ruby heals and balances emotions, makes you more emotionally aware, and helps you connect to others emotionally. Ruby helps us to see the true nature of love, and reveals the Divine Love in every thing in the Universe. Using Ruby can help you open up to and receive this Divine Love, as well as become a vehicle through which Divine Love can flow to others. Protective Ruby can help shield against psychic and emotional attacks.
Peridot sends its energies to the Heart Chakra, bringing positive energy and encouraging mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. Crystal-healers love Peridot for its ability to awaken one to the idea of Universal Love by saturating the Heart Chakra with higher frequency vibrations from the Universal Energy Field. Peridot is also helpful for releasing emotional attachments to things or people. Peridot can help with issues of self-worth, bringing relief to unhealthy emotions such as anger, resentment, and jealousy. Peridot can improve relationships by assisting with emotional healing. Peridot can also help physical ailments of the heart, lungs, and thymus.
Green Kyanite can facilitate a connection with one's deepest truth found only within the heart, and helps one to learn how to live from this eternal truth. Green Kyanite is often used to make contact with the nature spirits, and is great to take along on hikes or camping trips. With its strong focus on the Heart Chakra, Green Kyanite can alleviate depression by offering hope and support for the internal adjustment needed to effect positive external changes. By connecting the Heart Chakra to the Third-Eye Chakra, Green Kyanite can help one to discover the inner voice so necessary for real personal growth.
Green Tourmaline is a supreme Heart Chakra Crystal that encourages strength and vitality. Green Tourmaline is a metaphysically protective stone which is said to balance and harmonize the chakras. Green Tourmaline is ideal for healing purposes, as it can focus its healing energies, clearing the aura, and removing blockages. Green Tourmaline is often used for opening and activating the heart chakra, and providing a sense of peace and calm to the heart and nervous system. Green Tourmaline is often used to attract money and success by encouraging one to release inhibitions and reach for their true desires.
Working with the Heart Chakra can help one to achieve a sense of Universal Love and a knowledge of Divine Will. By restoring healthy function to the Heart Chakra, one can raise one’s personal vibration through the mental body, and can extend outward to effect others, thus raising the vibration of others nearby. Working with crystals for the Heart Chakra can be a wonderful way to become emotionally empowered and to live from the Heart center, with effects radiating outward to the rest of the world.
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Next month we will move on to the Throat Chakra...
Peace and Blessings,
Crystal CAT
Author and Project Manager for Healing Crystals
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The suggested uses and metaphysical descriptions of the inventory items are our personal opinions and should be used at your discretion. These suggestions are not intended to be used as medical advice. If you resonate and like our suggestions and descriptions, please use them freely. However, if you don't resonate or agree with any of them, please consider them for entertainment purposes only. We have done our best to represent the crystals and minerals accurately and chosen only high quality items that we would use ourselves. Please use your own intuition about what "feels" right for you.
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