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“Crystals for Sagittarius”
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Dear Healing Crystal Enthusiast:
This month completes our twelve-month series of Astrological-themed Newsletters. We hope you enjoy “Stones for Sagittarius” and invite you to visit our blog to view past issues in this series of Crystals relating to the Astrological Signs.
Remember, there are many theories about which specific stones are “The Stones” for a particular sign, here we present ours. As always, thank you for reading our newsletter!
SAGITTARIUS: November 23 - December 21
Major Stones for Sagittarius and their Metaphysical Properties:
Turquoise -
Turquoise, which many consider to be a bridge between Heaven and Earth, is the perfect stone for Philosophical Sagittarius, who often has his/her “eyes in the stars” while seeking physical truth. Turquoise grounds Sagittarius while still promoting exploration of matters of Spirit. Turquoise stills the often restless Sagittarius mind, and connects rational thought with intuition. Used with the Throat Chakra, Turquoise fosters loving communication from the heart; used with the Third Eye, Turquoise heightens communication between the physical and spiritual realms.
Labradorite -
Labradorite stimulates intuition and calms the active Sagittarius mind. Labradorite integrates imagination and intuition. The Philosopher in Sagittarius will love gazing into Labradorite’s depths and contemplating the esoteric mysteries of the universe. Intuition and intellect are balanced by Labradorite, illusions are dispelled and true intentions are seen more easily with its use. Labradorite is also very protective against negative energies, balancing and protecting the aura and sealing the aura from energy leaks.
Rhodonite -
Enthusiastic and optimistic Sagittarius may sometimes jump too quickly to the next project or challenge before the current one is completed (especially if there’s nothing left but details, which bore free-thinking Sagittarius). Rhodonite lends patience to restless Sagittarius. The quick Sagittarius tongue is also slowed by Rhodonite, encouraging Sagittarius to express ideas in a more helpful, less hurtful way.
Other Sagittarius Stones:
Topaz -
A Sagittarius birthstone, Topaz lights the path of adventurous Sagittarius as he/she explores the unknown. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius seeks knowledge and truth, and Topaz reminds Sagittarius of his/her own inner wisdom and personal truths. A ”stone of good fortune,” Topaz has been credited with bringing prosperity and abundance to the wearer. Vibrant Topaz aids visualization and manifestation, supporting Sagittarius’ goals and showing him/her the riches in life.
Clear Quartz Points -
Clear Quartz is the stone of power and can help to amplify any energy or intention. The Sacred Geometry of a naturally formed 6-sided clear quartz point contributes to the ability of Clear Quartz to amplify any vibration or intention. A Clear Quartz Point can help cerebral Sagittarius focus his/her active mind on one project at a time.
Ruby -
Fiery Sagittarius sometimes burns out, moving rapidly between projects and seeking out new challenges. Ruby recharges spent energy, and reignites vitality and passion for life. A powerful heart healer, Ruby heals and balances emotions, makes you more emotionally aware, and helps intellectual Sagittarius connect to others emotionally.
Blue Lace Agate -
Blue Lace Agate opens the Throat Chakra, allowing Sagittarius to express suppressed feelings. Blue Lace Agate may also help sometimes blunt Sagittarius communicate more gently to others.
Smokey Quartz -
All fire signs can benefit from a bit of grounding, and Sagittarius is no exception. Smokey Quartz grounds fiery Sagittarius, and dispels negative energy.
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The suggested uses and metaphysical descriptions of the inventory items are our personal opinions and should be used at your discretion. These suggestions are not intended to be used as medical advice. If you resonate and like our suggestions and descriptions, please use them freely. However, if you don’t resonate or agree with any of them, please consider them for entertainment purposes only. We have done our best to represent the crystals and minerals accurately and chosen only high quality items that we would use ourselves. Please use your own intuition about what “feels” right for you.
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