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Daily Crystal Horoscope for Monday *07/04/16*

Crystals for the day: Fire Opal & Peridot.

Don't become distraught if you or others seem forgetful and/or neglectful today.  It won't be deliberate as much as it is the side-effects of the atmosphere created by Mercury and Saturn.  Mentally we will all be a little fuzzy and things won't operate logically so getting anything done will be a challenge.  Direct approaches will be consistently sidetracked until it seems easier to just give up and try another day.  That will be your best option if possible and if not you will want to be vigilant about details and procedure.  This energy could especially impact communications and travel.  You want to remain alert and use caution while you are out and about so carry Fire OpalPeridot will help you to concentrate when you need to and also feel comfortable leaving it for another day if that is what it takes to feel good.

Number of the day: 2

2 reminds us of the strength in patience.  It can be your ally and help you to make the best choices if you are willing to be open to it.  Garnet will help you to draw strength from your resources.

Posted on July 04, 2016
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