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Daily Crystal Horoscope for Friday *08/05/16*

Crystals for the day:  Clinozoisite & Sodalite

How can one little planet be so disruptive?  Pluto packs a lot of punch in the influence department and it really likes to make its presence known, so it plays a significant role during its transits with the other planets.  Matters of the heart will be your focus during today's Venus/Pluto transit with a particular emphasis on emotional pain.  Old heartbreaks and betrayals may be on your mind and you’ll be looking a little deeper at present situations, wondering if you aren't in line for more hurt.  It may seem this energy is taking you on a pessimistic journey, but this can actually be an opportunity to feel a whole lot better.  When those past issues arise it’s an opportunity for you to see things in a new light and use one of your greatest strengths...forgiveness.  Use Clinozoisite to heal and stop carrying old pain that clouds your present and future.  When you find yourself filled with doubt and worry about current issues, use Sodalite for the courage to face what’s bothering you head on.  Proactively look for the advantages and see how you can use them to invigorate yourself, your relationships and your situations.  You'll be so determined to make things better that you’ll banish the negative characteristics of this energy.   

Number of the day: 4

Sometimes it’s too easy to indulge in self-pity rather than take action.  4 and Blue Spinel will kick up your enthusiasm and get you moving towards inevitable success.

Posted on August 05, 2016
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