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Daily Crystal Horoscope Sunday *08/14/16*

Crystals for the day:  Sandstone & Mahogany Obsidian

Venus and Neptune are in an opposition, making it difficult to recognize fact from fiction.  Neptune leads you down the road where idealism is far more pleasurable than reality.  Venus wants you to see the beauty in the truth.  Obviously that takes more work and it will be challenging to exert yourself within this atmosphere.  You'll be feeling vulnerable and a little helpless, making it easier to be misled by fantasy, than to fight for the truth.  When faced with a dilemma it’s easy to forget that you have all the power.  Will you give it away by simply believing what is easiest?  Or, will you use your strength to combine the best of these opposing energies to create your own ideal reality?  Use Sandstone to recognize any lie you tell yourself or is presented by another, while Mahogany Obsidian motivates you to look past the illusion to find the truth - and see how much better it really is!

Number of the day: 4

4 can give you the creative spark you need to turn your will into reality.  Tiger Iron will help you to begin - even if that means you begin again.

Posted on August 14, 2016
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