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-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     Comment from - Discount Prices on Healing Crystals, Minerals & Tumbled Stones
Date:     Sat, 31 Oct 2009 18:32:43 -0400
From:     Kathy

Hello! In a few weeks, I am starting to take classes in animal communication. I wondered what stones you would recommend to help facilitate communication between myself and the animal kingdom, both "wild" animals outside and my companion dogs inside. Also, when communicating with my animal companions, is it necessary to have a stone on both of us, that is, one on the dog's collar and also one on me, like in jewelry? Or would it be enough if I just held or wore a stone? Thanks so much for any help you could offer..........
Good Morning :)

What an amazing class that is going to be!  I have had an animal communicator work with one of my dogs and it has been so helpful in so many ways!!

There are certain stones that can help to facilitate communications between the animal kingdom and you. Mookaite is a really great stone to use in order to open up this line of communication. Jaspers are also wonderful pieces to use when communicating with those in the plant and animal kingdoms.  Dalmatian Stone can also be used to connect/communicate with the animal kingdom.  It is a good idea to keep a piece of Quartzwith you as well. This will help to amplify the energies of the crystals you are using and enhance your communications.

You may want to read these great articles in the Healing Crystals archive that deal with crystals and pets.

When working with your animal companions, I believe that just one of you holding or wearing the stone will be enough. I think you will find the animals are more than happy to communicate freely. The crystals will help you to access the animal kingdom vibration so that communications can take place.

Enjoy your new adventure!
with love and crystal blessings,
Kristi Huggins
Author and Project Manager for Healing Crystals

More Crystal Recommendations

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Posted on November 02, 2009

  Crystals are wonderful to help to facilitate telepathic communication with our animal friends. In addition to wearing them and using them in our homes, we can even invoke the energy of a particular stone or crystal to help with our own telepathic abilities and also to help our animal friends--this is useful if we want to use the helpful qualities of a crystal or gem that we don't possess.

I find that hematite is important for grounding and connecting to the earth, rose quartz can help to open our heart chakras, and clear quartz, especially around our third eye and crown chakras, can help to awaken our innate telepathic abilities.

Best wishes to you as you take this journey with animal communication! It is a wonderful world to live in. :)

Nancy Windheart, Animal Communicator and Reiki Master-Teacher  (Submitted by: Nancy Windheart on April 15, 2011)

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