My sister had suffered a small stroke that has affected her eye. Please let me know which crystal would be most beneficial for her. Thanks in advance for your help.
There are several crystals that work directly with the eye to help heal and repair. For instance, Apophyllite crystals can help to improve vision.
Green Aventurine can help to strengthen eyesight.
I would recommend a Cabochon that could be applied directly over the eye.
Citrine can help to increase visual abilities after changes/traumas to the area.
Phenakite can assist in the relief of eye strain or tension/damage within the optic nerves.
Here is an article dealing with Strokes in the Healing Crystals archive that may offer a few more suggestions that may be helpful:
Last, but not least, I highly recommend Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz helps to bring calm and harmony during times of increased stress or crisis. It removes fears and frustrations. It embraces and supports everyone involved in total, unconditional love.
Blessings to you, your sister and your family. We wish your sister a speedy and complete recovery.
With love and crystal blessings,
Posted on April 23, 2010 |
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